вівторок, 11 листопада 2014 р.

                                                                 Досвід не можна передавати,
                                                                  якщо свідомістю того,
                                                                  хто хоче запозичити досвід,
                                                                  не оволоділа ідея,
                                                                  яка стала джерелом натхнення
                                                                  до творчої праці.
              В. Сухомлинський                 
Щоб бути хорошим учителем, треба любити те, що викладаєш, і любити тих,кого навчаєш. Бо викладання – це не якесь ремесло, а певний вид мистецтва. А ті, кого ми навчаємо – це дар Божий.    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Мотивація вибору теми.  Як відомо, інформаційні технології настільки поширені у сучасному світі, що інколи ми дуже ніяково почуваємося, коли змушені відповісти, що у нас немає електронної пошти або щось на кшталт цього. Електронна пошта, CD-ROM, Інтернет, комп’ютеризоване викладання мов, телеконференції – все це можна й потрібно застосовувати задля покращення безперервного процесу викладання іноземних мов. Але слід пам’ятати, що користування інтернет-ресурсами, на відміну від розробки звичних планів уроку, передбачає прогресивну структуру вступу, завдання, інтернет-ресурсів, процесу й результату. Часто діти запитують: “А для чого вчити іноземну мову?” Питання для них зовсім природне і просте, але дуже складне для того, кому його ставлять. Відповідь на нього повинен дати урок.    Вважаю, що сучасний урок англійської мови повинен розвивати комунікативну компетенцію, мотивувати роздуми та висловлювання учнів про те, що ж робить особливою українську культуру, відмінною від інших, тому навчаючи дітей англійської мови, вирішила використовувати українознавчі матеріали на уроках англійської мови із застосуванням інтернет-ресурсів.
Використання інноваційних технологій на уроці іноземної мови стимулює вивчення мови, вчить учнів мислити, дає їм змогу вільно розмірковувати, розвиває впевненість у собі, підвищує розумову і творчу активність учнів.
             На даному етапі працюю над проблемою: «Використання українознавчих матеріалів на уроках англійської мови із застосуванням інтернет-ресурсів »
Цілі: викликати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови шляхом впровадження інноваційних технологій;  використовувати комп’ютерно-інформаційні технології як засіб інтенсифікації навчальної діяльності учнів; підвищувати професійну компетентність, мотивувати роздуми та висловлювання учнів про те, що ж робить особливою українську культуру, відмінною від інших.
Ø участь у різноманітних семінарах – тренінгах та конкурсах;
Ø застосування нових навчальних технологій, створення власних презентацій та завдань до уроків із використанням Інтернет-ресурсів;
Ø оригінальні виховні ідеї,  нестандартні підходи у  навчанні учнів;
Ø друк у педагогічній пресі;
Ø участь у розробці планів впровадження інновацій у навчальному закладі;
Ø реалізація  проектів;
Ø проведення майcтер-класів на базі інших навчальних закладів.
 У своїй педагогічній діяльності керуюся переконанням, що побудова громадянського суспільства, інтеграція України у світове та європейське співтовариство передбачають орієнтацію на людину, її духовну культуру і визначають основні напрями модернізації навчально-виховного процесу. Своїм кредо вважаю: “Тільки співпраця учителя з учнем здолає бар’єр і дасть результат”.                                                                                                                 Сьогодні перед вчителем англійської мови постає нелегке питання: як зробити, щоб урок був цікавим для учнів, щоб розкрив їх творчий потенціал особистості, поставив її в ситуацію самостійного пошуку, сприяв розширенню кругозору, забезпечив використання знань з інших предметів на практиці. Цього можна досягти лише за умови, якщо вчитель знаходить оригінальні, нестандартні шляхи навчання іноземної мови.                                                                                                 Щоб наблизити навчальну ситуацію на уроці до сучасного життя і разом з цим зацікавити учнів до вивчення англійської мови, я у своїй практиці намагаюся впроваджувати інноваційні технології, але в жодному разі не перевантажую ними уроки.
Для того, щоб реалізувати поставлені перед собою цілі, постійно перебуваю у пошуках методів виховання і розвитку дітей засобами свого предмета в процесі навчальної та позакласної діяльності. Щоб процес навчання справді був ефективнішим, організовую навчальний процес так, щоб учні були здатні використовувати англійську мову як під час спілкування в реальних життєвих ситуаціях, так і для набуття знань.
Хотіла б зразу зазначити, що досвід, який презентую, далеко не новаторський, а раціоналізаторський, зібраний при вивченні різної методичної літератури, своєї педагогічної практики і успішно апробований безпосередньо на власних уроках.                                                                                                               Йдучи на урок у будь-який клас, щоразу задумуюся, яким же має бути сучасний урок, як організувати і провести його, щоб отримати максимальну віддачу? Хочу зупинитися на декількох технологіях інноваційного навчання англійської мови зі свого власного досвіду роботи, а саме: інтерактивні технології, технології організації групової навчальної діяльності та технології ситуативного моделювання;   технології з використанням SMART Board та Інтернет ресурсів. Вважаю, що всі  технології можна розділити на: 1) технології, що готують до комунікативної діяльності і сприяють формуванню різних мовних навичок; 2) технології, що забезпечують комунікативну діяльність і сприяють формуванню та удосконаленню умінь аудіювання, говоріння, читання, письма.  Результатом навчання учнів іноземної мови є формування у них навичок і умінь користування мовою як засобом спілкування, тому вважаю, що всі освітні  технології спрямовані на розвиток та формування в учнів комунікативної компетенції.                                                                                                          Працюю з дітьми від першого до одинадцятого класу. Впевнена, методи і форми навчання повинні бути різними для кожного класу, адже є різні, індивідуальні за своїм складом  учнівські колективи.
Зупинюся на окремих моментах свого досвіду.
Постійно використовую знання вихованців з історії, географії, зарубіжної літератури, музики, образотворчого мистецтва.                                                                 То ж як зробити процес навчання цікавим та раціональним для найменших діточок?  Переконуюсь, що найефективніше розвиток особистості здійснюється у грі. Зміст творчої активності дитина набуває саме в ній, тому що гра забезпечує емоційний комфорт, дає можливість самовизначитися,  самореалізуватися, усвідомити власне «я» та відчути себе більш розкутим. Вважаю  гру тою іскринкою, яка запалює вогник допитливості та зацікавлення учнів до предмета. Адже на сучасному уроці, який вимагає від дітей великої інтенсивності та концентрації уваги, напруги сил і знань, різного роду змагання допомагають зняти втому у дітей, розвивають уяву, увагу, допомагають подолати сором’язливість та мовний бар’єр. Захоплюючись нестандартними формами роботи, діти не помічають, що вчаться, пізнають, запам’ятовують нове, орієнтуються в надзвичайних ситуаціях, поповнюють запас уявлень, поняття, розвивають фантазію. Навіть найбільш пасивні учні беруть участь у нестандартних змаганнях з великим бажанням, докладаючи всіх зусиль, щоб не підвести свою команду.                                                                                    Ефективність  використання технологій, що готують до комунікаційної діяльності особливо помітна на початковому етапі вивчення іноземної мови.                          У початкових класах діти не сприймають довгих пояснень, тому намагаюся будь-яке пояснення проводити у формі бесіди та діалогу. Увагу маленьких школярів також можна привернути  яскравими іграшками, картинками, наочними предметами, розучуванням пісень за допомогою міміки та жестів і все це розвиває уявну та асоціативну пам'ять дітей.                                                                     Вважаю, що комп’ютер на будь-якому уроці допомагає створити високий рівень особистої зацікавленості учнів за допомогою інформації, яка виводиться  на екран.                                                                                                                      Залучаю учнів до створення власних презентацій. Самостійна творча робота зі створення комп`ютерних презентацій розширює запас активної лексики професійного спілкування. Учні самостійно вчаться знаходити цікаву інформацію з даної теми, для цього користуються Інтернетом. Це дуже захоплює учнів, адже кожен намагається показати щось нове, цікаве. Найефективнішими з огляду на розвиток навичок мислення, пізнавальної діяльності учнів та навичок до самостійної дослідницької діяльності є засоби, які проектуються та розробляються самими учнями при вивченні навчального матеріалу. Я відзначаю високий рівень мотивації учнів до навчання у випадках, коли учням надається можливість за допомогою інформаційних технологій  представляти результати цікавого для них навчального проекту.На першому етапі виготовлення презентацій пропоную учням скласти план. Потім надрукувати необхідний матеріал в програмі  Word. Підібрати необхідний ілюстративний матеріал з електронних енциклопедій та мережі Інтернет, відскановуючи  малюнки чи фотографії. Наступний етап – створення презентацій. Учні працюють над дизайном слайдів, варіантами структури слайда – макетами ( титульного слайда, слайдів, які містять в собі лише текст або лише зображення, текст і зображення, діаграми); кольоровим оформленням слайда ( фону і тексту); настройкою анімації (ефектами, якими будуть супроводжуватись тексти і графіка); налагодженням керуванням презентацією. Завершальним кроком необхідно запам’ятати створену презентацію, записати її на диск і представити перед учнями (презентації на тему Ukraine”, “Famous Ukrainian Painters”.
    Зі своєї практики бачу, що дітям дуже подобаються нестандартні уроки: урок-гра, театралізований урок-вистава, урок-казка, де використовуюся яскраві картинки, предмети, іграшки, лічилки і пісеньки, які можна виразити через міміку і жести. Проте, до нестандартного уроку готуємось  з учнями заздалегідь. Такий урок є одним з останніх етапів навчального циклу, оскільки основна навчальна діяльність на стадії підготовки до нього. Менші діти полюбляють технології ситуативного моделювання (рольові, дидактичні, імітаційні ігри).                          Наприклад проводжу уроки-екскурсії.  Одним із таких є урок в 11 класі по темі У музеї. Заздалегідь підготовлена група екскурсоводів, група учнів, яка пропонує провести екскурсію до садиби Маркіяна Шашкевича у село Підлисся Золочівського району для поглиблення знань з краєзнавства. Заняття проходить у шкільному музеї Маркіяна Шашкевича. Гіди розповідають туристам з Великобританії про життя та творчість Маркіяна Шашкевича – Будителя Галичини, чиє ім’я носить наша школа. Туристи ставлять запитання, які їх цікавлять:
1.     Was M. Shashkevych the leader of the democratic group “Ruska
2.     Where did M. Shashkevych get education?
3.     How many children were in the family?
4.     What kind of books did he like to read?
5.     He read books by W. Shakespeare, V. Scott, didn’t he?
6.     What was his first book in Ukrainian?
7.     Why did he die so early? Was he ill?
Учні, які присутні у музеї, розповідають про життєвий та творчий шлях нашого земляка, читають вірші Маркіяна Шашкевича:
Train of thought, do take me              Шуми, вітре, шуми, буйний,
To my dear green pinery,                   На ліси, на гори,
To get rid of melancholy                    Мою журну неси думку
And be last in revirie.                         На підлиські гори.
There thou’ll hear olden oaks,            Там спочинеш, моя думко,
One after another,                               В зеленій соснині;
Telling stories of my green years,      Журбу збудеш, потішишся
Care-free and free of bother.              У лихій годині.
                                                                         М. Шашкевич. Підлисє.
 Покладаючись на раніше набуті знання школярів з географії у 8 класі, у 9 класі при вивченні теми Київ – столиця України проводжу заочну екскурсію по визначних місцях столиці. Заохочую дітей здобувати знання самостійно, користуватися різними джерелами інформації, сучасними інформаційними технологіями. Випереджаючим завданням учням було запропоновано підготувати за допомогою набутих знань з української літератури у 9 класі по історичній книзі і збірці епічних творів “Повість минулих літ” про конкретні дані заснування Києва, з історії 7 класу – про будівництво Софіївського Собору. За допомогою Інтернету мої вихованці готують творчі презентації про історичні місця Києва.                                                               У середніх  та старших класах часто використовую технології , що забезпечують комунікативну діяльність ,тобто, інтерактивні технології: «Мікрофон», «Незакінчені речення», «Мозковий штурм», «Навчаючись – учусь», «Особистий погляд», «Авторське крісло», в основі яких лежать принцип безпосередньої участі кожного учня, пропонуються проблеми для спільного вирішення, застосовуються рольові ігри та уроки-змагання, коли всі види діяльності на уроці оцінюються смайликами, а в кінці уроку – відповідними балами.
Рольова гра дає дітям можливість поміркувати, обмінятися ідеями з партнером і лише потім озвучити свої думки перед класом. Пропоную дев’ятикласникам підготувати відповідний одяг для перевтілення в образи історичної епохи часів виникнення Києва: Кий, Щек, Хорив, сестра Либідь, літописець Нестор. І вони із задоволенням готують рольову гру. Гра розпочинається під тиху мелодію пісні Д. Гнатюка “Києве мій” та біля виставки художніх робіт попередньо підготовлених учнями. Наприклад:
Nestor. Once there lived three brothers: Kyi, Shchek and Khoriv and they had a sister Lybid. One day they were boating along beautiful banks of the Dnipro. They saw three green hills covered with a thick forest.
Kyi. This is a fine place. Let us settle here.
Shchek. Oh! It’s really a fine place!
Khoriv. Look! The river is beautiful and the forest is so thick. I’ll sing about it.
Lybid. I’ll make snow-white linen for the Polian women … etc.
Дітям заздалегідь подаю репліки, фрази, з якими можна скласти сценарій діалогу. При вивченні теми Київ – столиця України у 9 класі учні використовують такі вирази для роботи в парах:
       It was interesting for me to know…
       I paid special attention to …
       I hardly believed that, but …
       Without doubt the information about …
       It should be mentioned here about …
У всіх класах  практикую технологію організації групової навчальної  діяльності, завдяки якій посилюється соціальний контакт між членами групи, формуються такі цінності, як задоволення результатами власної і спільної роботи, взаємодопомога, взаємозбагачення, взаємоконтроль, змагальність, істотно зростає індивідуальна допомога з боку вчителя й товаришів по групі тим, хто її потребує.  Для того, щоб навчання було диференційоване, а вихованці були активними учасниками навчального процесу, проводжу уроки, на яких вони навчаються в групах.
Роботу в групах проводжу для автоматизації навиків та вмінь аудіювання. . Діти в групах розв’язують і супутні задачі – такі, як повторення граматичних навичок говоріння (теперішній або минулий час), розвиток уміння читати й розуміти на слух з метою вилучення загальної, конкретної і детальної інформації. Така робота може проводитися відразу після введення  нового матеріалу на початку вивчення теми, на узагальнюючому уроці та на уроці-опитування. В такому учнівському колективі в умовах дружнього змагання в парах чи в групах всі намагаються відповідати і працювати якнайкраще. Наприклад до дев’ятикласників ставлю запитання:Хто знайде скоріше зайве слово?. Учні на слух сприймають перелік слів і виявляють те, яке є зайвим.
a) Romania                 b) Lviv               c) Dniester
    Poland                         Rivne                 Dnipro
    Belarus                        Uzhhorod               Visla
    Russia                           Kharkiv              Desna
    England                       Poltava               Siverskiy Donets
    Hungary                      Moscow              Pivdenny Bug
    Slovakia                      Kyiv   
Вважаю, що ефективним прийомом організації праці вихованців є робота в парах при вивченні англійської мови. При вивченні теми Запорізька Січ у 5 та 9 класах, яка вивчена учнями на уроках історії у 5 класі, використовую метод “Чистої дошки”. Звертаю увагу дітей на дошку з підготовленими наперед запитаннями. Відповіді на них, - пояснюю – ви знайдете, опрацювавши текст Zaporizzian Kozaks”. Після читання, в процесі аналізу тексту, ви відповідатиме на них, а я витиратиму опрацьовані питання. Робота буде успішною, коли на кінець уроку дошка буде чистою. Так, під час роботи над текстом “Ukraine” (9-й клас), пропоную учням дати відповіді на такі запитання, які відомі їм з уроків географії “Географія України 8-9 класи”:
1.     What countries does Ukraine border on?
2.     What is the total area of our country?
3.     What is the main river?
4.     What is the capital of Ukraine?
5.     What mineral resources is Ukraine rich in?
В такий спосіб школярі вибирають із великого тексту “Ukraine” (9-й клас) ту необхідну інформацію, що найбільш важливою і на вивчення якої їх націлює вчитель.
У 6 класі, при вивчені теми “Ласкаво просимо в Україну”, школярі знаходять цікавий матеріал про вишиті рушники і гончарство, створюють презентації та оформляють  виставку у класі з елементів Гаварецької кераміки та домашніх вишиванок.
У 9 класі, вивчаючи тему “Міста та містечка України”, учні із задоволенням переглядають фільм про Золочів, оформляють творчі роботи про історію Золочева, визначні місця. Особливо цікавою буде робота дітей, які опишуть визначні місця Золочівського краю: Золочівський замок, Китайський палац, церква Святого Миколая (кінець 16 ст.) у м. Золочеві, Римо-католицький костел (18ст.), садиба М. Шашкевича у с. Підлисся, Гавареччина, Поморянський замок (16 ст.), виток Західного Бугу, дерев’яна церква Святого Миколая (17 ст.) у с. Сасів, дерев’яна церква Успіня Пресвятої Богородиці (18 ст.) у м. Глиняни.
Готуючись до уроку, добираю такий матеріал, який би зацікавив моїх вихованців, теми, які відповідають їх віку, інтересам. Постійно розвиваю і підтримую власну думку кожного учня. Діти із задоволенням читають вірші про Україну англійською мовою, співають українські народні пісні, шукають і відгадують загадки, записують кросворди, прислів’я. І саме це сприяє розвиткові усного мовлення з використанням елементів національного виховання.
У 6 класі, вивчаючи тему Життя в Україні, даю таке завдання: З’єднайте українські прислів’я з початком англійських. Доповніть англійські прислів’я. Наприклад:
1) Всюди добре, а вдома           a) There is no place …
2) Нема ніде краще, як              b) Every bird likes
3) Всяк кулик до свого              c) East or West
    болота звик.
Постійно заохочую школярів розповідати про героїчне минуле запорізьких козаків (5-й клас, тема “Запорізька Січ”), про славетних гетьманів (9 –й клас, тема “Петро Сагайдачний”), про відомих вчених та винахідників (11-й клас, тема “Іван Полюй – видатний український фізик”). Учасники навчально-виховного процесу описують географічне положення та клімат України (6-й клас, тема “Україна – наша батьківщина”, 9-й клас, тема “Географічне положення України”), відвідують великі міста і містечка з їх історичними пам’ятками (6-й клас, тема “Київ”, 9-й клас, тема “Київ”, “Львів”, “Золочів”). Поряд з вивченням краєзнавчого матеріалу учні презентують у ролях твори В. Шекспіра та Т. Шевченка, М. Твена та М. Шашкевича (7-й клас, тема “В. Шекспір”, 8-й клас, тема “Книги в моєму житті”), співають пісні Брітні Спірс та Ані Лорак, О. Пономарьова та Мадонни (8-й клас, тема “Повсюди музика!”), описують картини Левітана та Романишина, Ван Гога та Ткаченка (11-й клас, тема “Мистецтво”).                                                       Велику увагу приділяю створенню  Portfolio. Починаємо з малюночків, візиток, розповідей про себе, свою сім’ю, самостійні роботи учнів у молодших класах і закінчуємо цілими проектними роботами, у процесі виконання якої формуються лідери, визначаються творчі особистості. А учні середніх та старших класів  готують реферати та непросто переказують їх, а створюють проблему, над якою працюють і вирішують її. 
  Впродовж багатьох років роботи спостерігаю за учнями. Переконана, у кожному класі є талановиті, обдаровані діти, , які вміють складати вірші на англійській мові про Україну, рідне місто, здійснюють переклад уривків із творів англійських авторів, роблять малюнки до поетичних та прозових творів при цьому використовують Інтернет ресурси.  Я завжди намагаюся розвивати їх уяву, фантазію, асоціативність та оригінальність мислення на своїх уроках.
Горджуся результатами своєї праці: мої учні є учасниками обласних олімпіад, районних олімпіад, випускниками факультетів іноземних мов, вчителями та викладачами іноземних мов.
    Вважаю, щоб реалізувати поставлені перед собою цілі, постійно потрібно перебувати у пошуках інновацій в освіті. Щоб процес був ефективним, організовую його так, щоб учні були здатні використовувати англійську мову як під час спілкування, так і для набуття знань. Для того, щоб навчання було диференційованим, а вихованці стали активними учасниками навчального процесу, проводжу уроки, на яких вони стають рівноправними співавторами уроку, допомагають слабшим учням.
   Думаю, що лише вміле поєднання активних та інтерактивних технологій навчання, використання нестандартних уроків або елементів гри на уроці допомагає мені досягти успіху, урізноманітнити навчальний процес, зробити його цікавим та результативним. Усвідомлюю, що сучасна школа не може існувати без нових інформаційних технологій і тому ми повинні бути вчителями сучасного учня.          
Як керівник районного методичного об’єднання вчителів англійської мови постійно проводжу відкриті уроки, тренінги для молодих спеціалістів, майстер-класи, друкуюся у педагогічній пресі(Науково-методичний журнал «Англійська мова та література»)
Таким чином, щоб діти долали труднощі, розповідаю їм про англійську мову, англомовні країни, про їхні звичаї та традиції. При цьому проводжу активну діяльність, спрямовану на виховання позитивного ставлення до іноземної мови, культури у порівнянні з елементами національної культури та побуту своєї країни, тим самим виховую національний патріотизм у підростаючого покоління.
Уся моя праця спрямована на формування у школярів позитивного ставлення вивчення іноземної мови для набуття ними необхідних  мовних компетентностей до співжиття у європейській спільноті.  

Список використаної літератури

1.     Бацевич Ф.С. Основи комунікативної лінгвістики. – Львів, 2000. – 347с.
2.  Білоус О.О. Упровадження елементів національного виховання на уроках            англійської мови. // Англійська мова та література. – 2006. - № 2. – c.3 – 18.
3. Вежбицкая А. Язык. Культура. Познание. – М., 1999. – 198c.
4.Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови. Уклад. і голов. ред. В.Т.Бусел. – К., Ірпінь: ВТ «Перун», 2003. – 1440 с.
5. Державна національна програма «Освіта, Україна ХХІ століття». – К.: Райдуга, 1994. – 64 с.
6. Загальноєвропейські Рекомендації з мовної освіти: вивчення, викладання, оцінювання. – К.: Ленвіт, 2004. – 261 с.
7.Левитес Д.Г. Практика обучения: современные образовательные технологии. – Воронеж, 1998. – 773 с.
8.Навчальні програми з іноземних мов для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів і спеціалізованих шкіл із поглибленим вивченням іноземних мов 10-11 класи -  Київ, 2010 р.
9. Політикіна Н.І. Використання автентичних текстів під час навчання усного мовлення // Англійська мова та література. – 2007. - №7. – c.7-9.
10. Половенко О.Б. Особистісно орієнтований підхід до навчання іноземної мови // Англійська мова та література. – 2004. - №1. c. 10-11.
11. Радзієвська Т.В. Текст як засіб комунікації. – К., 1993. – 374 с
12.  Римаренко Ю.І. Національний розвій України. – К.: Вища школа, 1995. – 42 c.
13. Соколов А.В. Общая теория социальной коммуникации: Учебное пособие. – СПб., 2002. – 445 с.
14. Українська мова. Короткий тлумачний словник лінгвістичних термінів / За ред. С.Я.Єрмоленко. – К., 2001. – 570 с.
15. Хасевич С.С. Вивчення теми Україна.// Англійська мова та література. – 2008. - № 3. – c.7 – 15.
16.Яворська Г.М. Перспективна лінгвістика як дискурс: мова, культура, влада. – К., 2000.
17. Пассов Е. И. Основы коммуникативной методики обучения иноязычному общению. – М.: Рус. яз, 1989. – 276 с.
18. Polupan A. P. Ukraine. – Харків.: Академія, 2000. – 46 с.

Kyivan Rus’ – Glorious History


·         To provide opportunities for students’ speech fluency through speaking, making up dialogues and forming their own standpoints;
·         To develop writing skills according to the given outline;
·         To stimulate learners imaginative thinking on the subject and working in groups
·         To extend their knowledge of the history of Kyivan Rus’
·         To cultivate students’ curiosity towards history of their native land.
Materials needed:
·         Picture set
·         Copies of four short texts
·         Cards for role play
·         Sheets of paper for personality analysis
Multimedia board

I.                   Warming up
1.     Recognizing the pictures
Teacher. We are proud of Ukraine history which comes back to pre-Christian times. Our civilization is thousands of years old and people living in our country should know their history very well to tell other peoples of the world who we are and what our origin is. There were some rulers in our history that did their utmost to unite our lands and develop our state. That’s why their names as founders of Ukraine will remain in our memory forever. In the 9th centaury a strong Ukrainian state was formed, cold Kyivan Rus’. Under its capable monarchs Kyvian Rus’ flourished in prosperity and culture, becoming one on the leading states in Europe. With this idea in mind, I would like you to look at these pictures of some Kyivan Rus’ monarchs and tell me if you recognize them. What are these sovereigns famous for?
2.     Match pictures to their descriptions below
Teacher. Now look at the photos again and try to match the descriptions to the photographs.

                          Dawn before sunrise

She was only woman among the rulers of Kyivan Rus’. Princess Olga was a loving wife, a caring mother, a wise women and an outstanding statesperson. Olga’s husband, prince Igor, was a courageous warrior. He was killed  by the tribe of Derevlians, while gathering toll from them. They say that Olga was a cruel and ruthless women.  She took revenge of her husband’s death having set fire to the main town of her enemies, Iskorosten’, and burnt all the residents of the town alive. But, nevertheless, Olga proved herself to be a skillful and mature ruler. After the death of Prince Igor, she ruled the country very

successfully for almost 20 years and was named one of the wisest women of her time. In 945 she was baptized and did much as a Christian to her country. She built churches, invited bishops from other Christian countries and tried to rule in peace. Princess Olga died at the age of  75 and was recognized as  a saint in the 12th century. She is truly called “Dawn before sunrise” for trying to spread Christianity in Rus’.
Prince of battles and swords
Being the only son of Olga and Igor, Prince Sviatoslav was a gifted and fearless warrior. He loved war. He remained a pagan in spite of his mother’s fondest hopes and warmest pleas. Every time he replied to Olga with words, “My army won’t understand me and will never accept the rules of Christian life”. For his honesty Sviatislav the Conqueror was respected both by his friends and foes. Before starting a campaign he always sent a message with a warning, “I go at You”.
Prince and warrior, he newer took neither marquees nor cauldrons with him. He slept on ground putting the saddle under his head. Sviatoslav the Conqueror was one of those about whom people often say, “First he kisses his sword and then his wife”. He conquered Khazars near the Volga, Tmutorokan’ (a principality located where the Kuban’ flows into the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea) and Bulgarians. He besieged Constantinople and forced Greeks to pay contribution. On the way back the troops of Sviatoslav were treacherously attacked by the Peachenegs. They killed the prince in 972. According to legend, the Pechenegs made a cup out of his skull and decorated it with gold and precious stones. They believed that everyone who drank out of the cup could become as courageous as Sviatoslav was.
The bright sun of Christianity
The plan initiated by Olga in 955 to Christianize Rus’ was fulfilled some 30 years later by Volodymyr the Great, Olga’s grandson. When she died, he was very young. Therefore, he lacked a Christian upbringing and was a pagan. However, Volodymyr was in search of another religion understanding that without spiritual unity it would be impossible to head a state like Kyivan Rus’. Influenced by internal and external political motives, Volodymyr was baptized in 987. That event was a turning point in his life and in the history of the whole country.  On the 14th of August in the year 988, all inhabitants of Kyiv were baptized. The Chronicle says that the Kyivans – young and old, rich and poor, - came free-willingly and cheerfully to the Dnipro River to be baptized.     
Volodymyr started building new churches and towns. He ardently inspired and encourager literacy in his state. To facilitate learning, Volodymyr established schools in towns and cities. With a broadened education base, the number of learned people in Rus’ increased markedly. These educators worked diligently to further education and promote cultural growth Volodymyr engaged renowned artists and skilled builders from Greece and Bulgaria. He beautified Kyiv , his capital city,with various forms of art. Volodymyr gave much to the poor. The fame of Volodymyr the Great-a wise and benevolent ruler-extended far and wide and reached beyond the boundaries of Rus’.He lived in peace with the neighboring countries .However, overburdened with work, Volodymyr became seriously ill and died at the age of 55.Because of his great Christian love to the needy and the suffering, his name became immortal and the chronicler called him Great.
Outstanding Achievements
OF GREAT KNIAZ                                                                                                                       
 The reign of Yaroslav is considered the highest point of Kyivan Rus’. After Volodymyr’s death, his eldest son killed three of his younger brothers. However, he died in battle and Yaroslav became Great Kniaz of Kyiv. When the Chronicles describe the achievements of Yaroslav,
they  say the field, that is he enlightened the country.  And it was Yaroslav who had sown the knowledge of books into the heads of his proper. He realized that the whole population needed educators. The monasteries built by Yaroslav contributed considerably to educational enlightenment. Another factor in Prince’s educational program was the introduction of the printed word. Yaroslav himself dive the example of appreciation of the value of books. Amidst the difficult political problems, he found time, even if only at night, to read. No wonder, an ardent reader like Yaroslav
brought together many scribes who translated into the Slavonic language numerous Greek and Latin works. With Yaroslav there began the growth of culture in Rus’.
Kyiv Rus’ achived its greatest power and splendor under Yaroslav the Wise in the 11th century. Yaroslav made Kyiv a great city and built magnificent buildings, including the notable Cathedral of Saint Sophia. During his rule Kyiv boasted over 400 churches. He also compiled the first Russian law code, the so-called «Russkaya Pravda»(Russian Justice). This important accomplishment engraved Yaroslav’s name into the history of Ukraine. Yaroslav the  Wise was recognized and praised by all. He died in 1054 in the arms of his favourite son, Vsevolod. He was 75 years old. Vsevolod buried his eminent father in a white marble sarcophagus in the Cathedral of Saint Sophia.
II.                 Brainstorming Around the World
T e a c h e r. In the year 988, the famous and great Kyivan Kniaz Volodymyr officially introduced Christianity in Rus’ – Ukraine. It was an inimitable turning  point in the lives of their descendants. What were the effects of Christianity in Ukraine? ( Students’ answers are written on the board.)   
It provided Rus’ with cultural uplifting                                                                                                                 New religion helped to unite people into one nation.                                                                                       Rus’ become recognized in Europe.                                                                                               Christianity helped to enlighten people with the help of books.                                                  Many towns and cities started growing and developing .                                                                   The state flourished in harmony and peace.                                                                                            It provided the country with a spiritual rebirth.                                                                            Christianity enlightened people – to love the fatherland and to defend it, if need arises. (Etc.)
III.              Focus on Developing Speaking Skills                           
1. Teacher’s summing - up                                                                                              
T e a c h e r . You are quite right in defining the importance of Christianity for further development of our state. It brought into our country the guiding light of God’s Truth. It introduced a new institution – the Church. The Church unified the individual tribes, organized and consolidated them into one great powerful nation. Christianity influenced their way of thinking and contributed immensely to the development of a new culture. As examples we have literary works, education, music, architecture, religion and national politics.
2.The Twenty Questions Game
T e a c h e r. Now I’d like you to playa communicative game called “ The Twenty Questions”. One player should choose a famous person in history without mentioning his / her name. The others ought to try to guess he / she was by asking the first player questions. If you fail to guess correctly, the first player will be you some hints.
Play this game asking:
·         only general questions;
·         all sorts of questions.

3.Role play “ Foreigners and Kyivans’’

T e a c h e r. Now I want to divide you into  two teams. One team represents foreigners to Kyivan Rus’. They have come here for the first time from Greece (Germany, France, etc.). They feel strongly surprised with everything they see in the streets, inside homes, churches and in Great Prince’s palace. What are your impressions? Brainstorm, write down some main ideas and express them to the other team. The second team is Kyivans of the 11th century. You brainstorm the answers about living in Rus’ at that period. Try to confirm your point of view.

TEAM A. You are foreigners to Kyivan Rus’. You have come from…(Greece,  Germany, France, etc.) It’s your first visit to this country. Everything surprises you here. Tell your opponents about your impressions. You may ask them questions about what interests you in their way of life, religion and what not.

TEAM B. You are Kyivan dwellers. It is the 11th century. You meet the foreigners who have come to your city from...(Greece,  Germany, France, etc.) They are new–comers. Try to answer all their questions. However, you should prove to be real patriots of your city and country.
Now you may change your roles.

IV.              Personality Analysis (Writing)
T e a c h e r. I suggest that you study the faces of Kyivan rules in the pictures. Pick one of more of the faces and write an analysis of the personality, using the outline given bellow. Use your imagination freely. There are no right or wrong analysis.
After you have completed your analysis, compare them with what others have written. Then you should form groups of three or four people and discuss the different analysis.

1.Students study the faces and prepare their analysis outline
1)      Give the person a name.
2)      Decide what the person’s job is and describe his / her work environment.
3)      Describe the home environment.
4)      List the major personality traits, elaborating as necessary for clarity. You might want to show how home and society have influenced the personality.             
2.Selecting the personalities for making up dialogues.
T e a c h e r. Well, I want you to make pairs and write a dialogue or a short story in which personality traits play a major role. For example, a sensible personality and a fearless personality discuss their acts. The wise person sees only negative aspects in participating in constant battles. The heroic and courageous person tries to explain positive aspects of his life, full of danger and risk.
V.                Debate
T e a c h e r. We’ve spoken about our history and those events which took plays more than a millennium ago. However, “History never stops. It progresses ceaselessly day and night. And trying to stop it is like trying to stop Geography”, said Augusto Monterroso, a famous Mexican writer (Augusto Monterroso (1921 - ?) Guatemalan-born Mexican writer. “The Rest is Silence”, “Aforismos, dichos, etc.”) These words are especially precise when we ponder on the recent revolutionary events which happened in our country at the end of 2004.                                     All  of us have great expectations for the future. And the personality of President defines the future we are going to have. So bearing the figures of the past in mind, let’s discuss what politics is. Try to define it. (Students answer the question offering their own definitions of the word. The teacher makes notes on the board.)
1.Teacher’s  questions  
·         Would you like to be a politician? If so, what office would you like to hold?
·         Would you like to be President? What first steps would you make holding this position?
·         What makes a good politician / President?
·         Politics has existed since the first pyramids were erected in Egypt. Is politics necessary in any system of government? Try to explain your answer.
·         What influences voters the most: appeal to emotions or appeal to reason?
2.Organizing a debate
Teacher. We are going to choose two or three current political issues in Ukraine and debate them in class. Now form two debates and designate winners.
(Students participate in the debates. The judges select the winners.)
VI.              Summarizing ( Homework)
Teacher. I believe all of us are looking forward to our future. Because as one German politician said, “A people not prepared to face its own history cannot manage to face his own future”. (Attributed to Karl-Heinz Hansen, German politician).
For your homework, I offer you to choose one or more personality from modern politics and prepare a personality chart following the outline below.
Personality chart
Physical Appearance/ Background/ History/ Basic Attitudes/ Beliefs

Ministry of Education of Ukraine
Zolochiv Department of Education

                                                        Lesson 4


Home reading
A Legend about Foundation
of Kyiv

                   Form 9

                                                                                          Yulia Banakh
                                                             English teacher
                                                             Secondary school No 2
                                                             Town Zolochiv

Subject of the lesson: A Legend about Foundation of Kyiv.

-        to provide opportunities for pupils’ speech fluency through speaking, making up dialogues and forming their own stand points;
-          to develop writing skills according to the given outline;
-          to stimulate learners’ imaginative thinking on the subject and working in groups;
-          to extend their knowledge of the history of foundation of Kyiv;
-          to cultivate students’ curiosity towards history of their native land.

Equipment: English, 9 Form;
Match (Addition 1);
Complete (Addition 2);
Fill in the grid (Addition 3);
Summary (Addition 4); Questions (Addition 5);
Plan (Addition 6);

The Plan of the lesson

      I. Introduction.
      1. Aim.
Teacher: The topic of our today’s lesson is “A Legend about Foundation of Kyiv”. By the end of the lesson you should be able:
-        to apply knowledge of the word and expressions for this topic in a new situation;
-        to identify details from the given text;
-        to discuss Task 1 of your Reading.
2. Warm-up.
Teacher: Let’s play a game “Jigsaw sentences”. A set of  jigsaw sentences is for each pair of  group of four pupils. The task is to make up four sentences. Which group will be the first one?
(The cards are mixed)

a long history
has got
is an independent
of Ukraine
is the capital
history of foundation
has an interesting

So, we shall speak about foundation of Kyiv.

II. Main Part.
1. Role-play “The interview”.
Teacher: We invited two journalists from Great Britain to visit our school. Let’s greet them with applauses. You are welcome.
E.g. – Hello, my name is Jane.
- Hi, my name is Ann. We live and work in London. We would like to know more about Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.
- What sights are there in Kyiv?
- Why is Kyiv the centre of political life of Ukraine?
- Is it economic, industrial and cultural centre of your country?
- Give some information about Kyiv’s foundation.
2. Reading.
1) Pre-Reading Activities.
Teacher: There are many ancient towns in Ukraine. One of them
is Kyiv, our capital. What other ancient towns do you know? Is your town old or new? Are there any interesting facts in the history of your town?
2) While-Reading Activities.
a) Skimming.
Teacher: Read the text “A Legend about foundation of Kyiv” and match the English words with Ukrainian equivalents (Addition 1):

1) single combat
2) gifted craftsman
3) snow-white linen
4) began to fight

5) neither side could win
6) around our settlement
a) білосніжне полотно
в) навколо нашого поселення
c) єдиноборство
d) жодна сторона не могла перемогти
e) почали боротися
f) добрий майстер

b) Scanning.
Teacher: Complete the sentences (Addition 2):
- Shchek, the younger brother …
        a) had hazel eyes and fair hair;
        b) was a fine craftsman and made boats;
        c) had a freckled face, green eyes and red hair.
- Their sister Lybid was …
        a) a very good spinner;
        b) a very good baker;
        c) a very good garderer.
- The chief of Avar tribe said …
        a) “Let’s have a feast”.
        b) “Let’s have a single combat between two warrious”.
        c) “Let’s built a new castle”.
- The Polyans built the fist walled town and named it …
        a) Lviv;
        b) Kyiv;
        c) Lutsk.
Teacher: Look through the text and fill in the grid (Addition 3):


a fine boatman


red hair

Made wonderful silver rings

Compare your answers with your partner. Then we are going to check the filling in the grid.
3) Post-Reading Activities.
Teacher: In the following summary there are some factual mistakes and some gaps. Correct the mistakes and fill in the gaps.
                               Summary (Addition 4)
Once three brothers and their sister were boating along the beautiful banks of the Dnipro.
They saw three____. Kyiv, the eldest brother was a gifted craftsman and made wonderful jugs and basins of clay. Shchek, the youngest brother, had hazel eyes and fair hair. He was a very good potter. Khoriv, the youngest brother was a talented craftsman and made ___. Their sister had long black hair. Lybid was ___ and her snow-white linen was famous among Polyan women.
By and by, many people settled around ___. The three brothers always helped ___.
3. Oral Practice.
1) Monological Practice.
Teacher: Please, describe your favourite hero (Kyi, Shchek, Khoriv, Lybid). Use the table (Addition 3).
2) Dialogue Practice.
Teacher: Make the dialogue between Kyi, Shchek, Khoriv and Lybid.
4. Pair Work.
Teacher: Do exercise 2 on page 91.
Answer the questions.
Choose the right answers (Addition 5).
-        Where were three brothers boating?
a)   Along nice banks of the river Bug.
b)   Along green banks of the river Dnipro.

c)   Along beautiful banks of the Dnipro.
-        Who came to the Polyan Land?
a)   The enemy Awar tribe is.
b)   The enemy Awar tribe did.
c)   The enemy Awar tribe was.
-        Why didn’t the Polyans run from the enemies?
a)   They wanted to defend their native land.
b)   They wanted to seize Avar tribe.
c)   They wanted to make Avar tribe their slaves.
-        How long did the Polyan and the Avar tribe fight?
a)   They fought for many days.
b)   They fought for three days and night.
c)   They fought for two days.
-        Was Kyi honest and wise?
a)   Yes, he was.   b) Yes, he did.   c) Yes, he had.
-        Who was the fist Prince of the Polyan tribe?
a)   Kyi was.   b) Khriv was.   c) Shchek was.

III. Concluding Part.
1. Marks.
2. Home task.
Teacher: Describe your native town using the following plan. Write down it into your exercise-books.
                                Plan (Addition 6)
1)   Is our town new or old?
2)   Who lived in it many years ago?
3)   Are there old buildings in our town?
4)   What do you know about some of places of interest of our town?
5)   Are you proud of our native town?
Group No 1. Describe Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv.
Group No 2. Describe Lybid.
Group No 3. Draw pictures about the Foundation of Kyiv.
Teacher: What have we done today? Did you like the text? What new facts about Kyiv have you learnt? Do you know why people are interested in the history of their cities, towns and villages?

Addition 1

1) single combat
2) gifted craftsman
3) snow-white linen
4) began to fight

5) neither side could win
6) around our settlement
a) білосніжне полотно
в) навколо нашого поселення
c) єдиноборство
d) жодна сторона не могла перемогти
e) почали боротися
f) добрий майстер

Addition 2

Complete the sentences
- Schek, the younger brother …
        a) had hazel eyes and fair hair;
        b) was a fine craftsman and made boats;
        c) had a freckled face, green eyes and red hair.
- Their sister Lybid was …
        a) a very good spinner;
        b) a very good baker;
        c) a very good garderer.
- The chief of Avar tribe said …
        a) “Let’s have a feast”.
        b) “Let’s have a single combat between two warrious”.
        c) “Let’s built a new castle”.
- The Polyans built the fist walled town and named it …
        a) Lviv;
        b) Kyiv;
        c) Lutsk.

Addition 3

Look through the text and fill in the grid:


a fine boatman
red hair

Made wonderful silver rings

Addition 4

Correct the mistakes and fill in the gaps.
Once three brothers and their sister were boating along the beautiful banks of the Dnipro.
They saw three____. Kyiv, the eldest brother was a gifted craftsman and made wonderful jugs and basins of clay. Shchek, the youngest brother, had hazel eyes and fair hair. He was a very good potter. Khoriv, the youngest brother was a talented craftsman and made ___. Their sister had long black hair. Lybid was ___ and her snow-white linen was famous among Polyan women.
By and by, many people settled around ___. The three brothers always helped ___.

Addition 5

        Choose the right answers:
-        Where were three brothers boating?
d)   Along nice banks of the river Bug.
e)   Along green banks of the river Dnipro.
f)     Along beautiful banks of the Dnipro.
-        Who came to the Polyan Land?
d)   The enemy Awar tribe is.
e)   The enemy Awar tribe did.
f)     The enemy Awar tribe was.
-        Why didn’t the Polyans run from the enemies?
d)   They wanted to defend their native land.
e)   They wanted to seize Avar tribe.
f)     They wanted to make Avar tribe their slaves.
-        How long did the Polyan and the Avar tribe fight?
d)   They fought for many days.
e)   They fought for three days and night.
f)     They fought for two days.
-        Was Kyi honest and wise?
b)   Yes, he was.   b) Yes, he did.   c) Yes, he had.
-        Who was the fist Prince of the Polyan tribe?
b)   Kyi was.   b) Khriv was.   c) Shchek was.

Addition 6

1)   Is our town new or old?
2)  Who lived in it many years ago?
3)  Are there old buildings in our town?
4)  What do you know about some of places
  of interest of our town?
5)  Are you proud of our native town?

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. On the 24th of August 1991 Ukraine became an independent state. Kyiv is the home of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, administration of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Here we have many embassies of different countries. That is why it is the political centre of Ukraine.
Science has always flourished in Kyiv. Here the first institute was founded — Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. There has always been literature, music, theatre, art, schools. That is why Kyiv is a great scientific and cultural centre. We have the well known National University named after Taras Shevchenko, a number of institutes, colleges and specialized schools. That is why it is the centre of education.
Kyiv is an industrial centre. People make powerful aeroplanes, produce cloth, medicines, clothes and boots, among other things.
It is well-known for its churches. We have the famous Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The symbol of Kyiv is the Archangel Mykhail, a heavenly warrior with a sword of fire, who has always been considered the defender of Kyiv. The monument to Mykhail stands in the centre of the capital on the Independence Square.
The territory of the city is 825 square kilometres. The population is 2 million 700 thousand. There are more than 300 schools and more than 1300 libraries in the capital! There are many books written about Kyiv.
1. What does Kyiv mean for Ukraine?
2. How many people live in Kyiv? Compare the population  of Kyiv with that of some other capi tals.
3.What books, legends, songs, films about Kyiv do you know?

Choose the best answer:
1.     Ukraine became an independent state
a)     on the 26 th of August.
b)    on the 24 th of April.
c)     on the 24 th of August.
2.     National University named after
a)     Taras Shevchenko.
b)    Ivan Franko.
c)     Myhailo Hrusheskiy.
3.     The symbol of Kyiv is
a)     Kyi, Schek, Khjryv.
b)    Prince Volodymyr.
c)     Archangel Mykhail.

Kyiv History
Kyiv was founded on the right bank of the Dnieper. Here there was a division between forests and steppes. To the north of Kyiv there were large forests full of wild life. To the south there were fields of fertile land, good for growing wheat.
There is a legend in the 'Chronicles' of Nestor written at the beginning of the 12th century. Nestor the Chronicler wrote, "...when Poliany lived freely there were three brothers: Kyi, Schek and Khoryv and a sister - Lybid." Kyi sat on the hill which is now called Borychiv descent; Schek sat on the hill which is now called Schekavytsia; Khoryv sat on the hill which is now called Khoryvytsia. They built a town and called it Kyiv after their elder brother. There was a forest around the town and people hunted wild animals there.
Nobody knows the exact date of the foundation of Kyiv. The territory of Kyiv was inhabited many years ago. 15—20 thousand years ago our ancient ancestors lived here. Scientists have found several settlements, the largest of which is called Kyrylivska settle­ment. The climate in those days was colder, which is why people lived not on the hill, but in the valley. Archalogists found the remnants of fires, mammoths' bones and simple tools. You can see them in the Natural Sciences Academy of Ukraine.
The settlements that existed before III century B.C. are called Pre-Kvivan. Then people settled on the Old Kyiv Mountain (Starokyivska) and Castle Mountain (Zamkova), in Podil, Obolon, Pechersk and other places. People grew crops and bred animals, and knew how to make tools out of bronze, ore, how to make pots out of clay. They traded with Greek towns on the Black Sea.
Scientists proved that Kyiv as a city had begun life in the V century.
Kyiv is now considered to be more than 1500 years old.
Still, we don't know much about Kyiv. We know the names of Askold and Dir. Askold was famous for his trips to Byzantine. In 860 he was near to taking Konstantynopol (or Tsargorod) and Byzantine had to make a treaty with Askold which was profitable for Rus.
These raids had another result: Askold became a Christian. That was possibly the cause of his death. In 882 Oleg came to Kyiv and killed Askold. The people of Kyiv then made Oleg their prince.
Askold was buried at the place of his death. Later Princess Olga, a Christian, built a church on his grave. In the 19th century a round church was built on that spot.
There is the very beautiful St. Andrew's church. According to a legend, Jesus' apostle Andrew appeared at that place, put down a cross and said there would be a Christian city there.
1. Why was the geographical position suitable for foundation of Kyiv?
2.Who founded Kyiv?
3.When did Kyiv appear as a city?
4.What do you know about Askold?
5.What historical names have survived in Kyiv?

Match 1-5 with a-e to make true sentences:
1.           Kyiv was founded
2.           Kyi sat on the hill
3.           The settlements that existed before III century B.C.
4.           Schek sat on the hill
5.           Khoryv sat on the hill

a)           are called Pre-Kyivan.
b)         called Schekavytsia.
c)           on the right bank of the Dnieper.
d)         called Khoryvytsia.
e)           called Borychiv descent.

The Prince's City
In the 10th century Kyiv became the capital of a powerful state — Kyiv Rus. It owned a vast territory — frоm the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea Prince Oleg nailed a shield to the gate of Tsargorod and made Byzantine pay tribute to Kyiv Rus. Princes Sviatoslav, Volodymyr and Yaroslav added new lands to Kyiv Rus. This great state had a great capital, Kyiv.
The centre of the capital was on the Old Kyiv (Starokyivska) mountain, where legendary Kyiv lived. Prince Volodymyr built a new place. Its territory was 10 hectares. It was the city of Volodymyr. The streets led to the main square—Babyn Torzhok (Women's market), decorated by four horses. Not far away were figures of pagan gods. After baptizing they were thrown into the Dnieper, and the Decimal (Desiatynna) church was built in Kyiv. Prince Volodymyr gave his title for the building of this church. That's why it has such a name.
The baptizing of Rus took place in 988. From that time chronicles, schools, churches appeared. Prince Volodymyr who baptized Rus is considered a Saint. To honor him Volodymyrskyi Cathedral was built in Kyiv. There is a monument to him on Mykhailivska hill. The bronze prince with a great cross is seen over the Dnieper.
The monument to Princess Olga also reminds us about baptizing of Rus. On one side of the monument stands St Andrew, and on the other side St. Cyril and St. Methodius. Princess Olga is also considered a Saint.
Volodymyr's town soon became too small. Prince Yaroslav put a fence around a much larger territory. Yaroslav's town was eight times bigger than Volodymyr's. Only wealthy people lived there. During that time Kyiv occupied 400 hectares. Approximately 50 thousand people lived there. It was one of the biggest cities in Europe at the time.
Kyiv was worth seeing then. You could see the golden domes of churches and cathedrals and the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate was enormous in size. The wall was 16 metres high, 30 metres wide. The Golden Gate survives even now. It was reconstructed several years ago. Under Independence Square the remnants of another gate was found — Liadski Gate. Under Lviv Square one more gate — Lviv Gate — was excavated.
Khreschatyck was a valley covered with forests on the bottom of which there was a stream. The people of Kyiv hunted here for small animals and birds. On the hills there were churches of monasteries: Klov, Berestove, Vydubychi, Kytaieve. These names have survived up to now.
But the noisest life was in Podil. Here Craftsmen lived. People having the same trade lived in one place, and this place was called after them: Gonchary, Kozhumiaky. Zhytnii market was very busy. Not far from it in the harbour of Pochaina, traders' ships tied up were moored. The skill of the goldsmiths surprises people even now. Kyiv treasures tell us about this. The richest is the Mykhailivskyi treasure found on Mykhailivsca Hill. The treasures are kept in many museums of Russia and in the Historical Museum of the Jeweller's Art which is situated in the grounds of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.
1. What do you know about Volodymyr's town?
2. What do you know about the craftsmen of Podil.

Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences:
1.  Princess Olga added new lands to Kyiv Rus.
2.  The centre of the capital was on the Starokyivska mountain.
3.  The streets led to the main square – Babyn Torzhok, decorated by five horses.
4.  The monument to Saint Volodymyr is on Mykhailivska hill.
5.  Only wealthy people lived in Yaroslav’s town.

Kyiv Sophia
Up to the 11th century there were constant wars between the people of Kyiv Rus and Pechenigy. They lasted for 120 years. At the beginning of the 11th century Prince Yaroslav fought them for the last time and conquered mem. To celebrate this event in 1037 Prince Yaroslav began building the Sophia Cathedral. This was the main cathedral of Kyiv Rus.
The word Sophia means wisdom in Greek. Prince Yaroslav, called Wise, valued wisdom, knowledge and books most of all. But he named his biggest cathedral not just because of this. ,The main cathedral of the capital of Byzantine was also called Sophia, and it seemed that Kyiv was challenging Konstantynopol and putting itself on the same level. The rules for building churches came to us from Byzantine along with Christianity. The church was to be square. Inside it was divided into long sections naves. Russian builders also built these according to the rules. They also used their own experience, having built stone palaces in Kyiv. Sophia Cathedral doesn't look like any other church in the world. It is beautiful and unique.
When you come into the Cathedral, you first notice Mother Oranta who is raising her hands in prayer. Mother Oranta is represented on a bright golden background, her clothes are gold and blue. These colours are the symbols of Ukraine, and they are on our flag. On the main dome Jesus Christ you see. He is looking at us with his big, calm, understanding eyes. These and other figures are made of mosaics — coloured pieces of special glass called smalt. These coloured pieces of glass were made by Ukrainian people. They made glass, added some dye and then poured substance onto a flat surface. When these 'pancakes' were ready, they were split into even blocks. There are 168 colours in the mosaics of Sophia Cathedral. It was much harder to make the golden pieces. To do this very thin golden sheets were put into the clear the glass.
Of the 640 square metres which were decorated with mosaics in Sophia Cathedral, now only 260 are left. Even so, no other place in the world has so many old mosaics.
The rest of the walls were decorated with frescoes — paintings on wet plaster. About 3000 square metres of frescoes have survived. They are not as bright, but they had to withstand very much. The most interesting ones are images of Yaroslav the Wise with his                                            wife, his sons and daughters. On the walls there are scenes of hunting, ancient Russian musicians and dancers. There are also very valuable frescoes, which tell much about life at that time. Sophia Cathedral has its secrets. Why do voices sound so clear here? Without any microphone they can be heard all over the great building. The ancient craftsmen used their skills here. They embedded thousands of pots in the walls. The sound travels into the pots, and the walls work like best modern musical equipment.
One more secret of Sophia has yet to be revealed. Many years ago books were written here. Yaroslav the Wise created and stored his library here. It is believed that there were more than 1000 books in it. In Europe in those days big libraries had about 100 books, the biggest ones had 200 or 300. But here, in Sophia Cathedral, there were three times more! The books were written by hand, their covers were decorated with gold and precious stones. People didn't use paper in those days, the sheets were made of parchment — a very thin skin. Skins of 60 calves were used to make one book 'Ostromyrove Gospel.' They were so expensive that only princes and wealthy people could have books.
The question is: where is the library now? There are different answers to this question. Some people think that Yaroslav's descendents divided them, and the books were spread along Russia. Other people believe that the library is still hidden somewhere. For many years it was looked for in the caves under Sophia Cathedral. In front of the Cathedral there is a marble stone with Yaroslav's portrait to commemorate the first library of Kyiv Rus. Prince Yaroslav the Wise is buried here, in Sophia Cathedral, in a sarcophagus made of white marble.
Sophia Cathedral has seen much tragedy during its history. But the people of Kyiv have always repaired and renewed it New Sophia Cathedral has beautiful new domes. They are in Ukrainian Baroque style.
Sophia Cathedral is a precious monument not only for Ukraine, but for the whole world. UNESCO protects it and tourists from many countries come to see it.
There are many books written about Sophia Cathedral. There is even a historical novel — 'Wonder' by Pavlo Zagrebelny.
There is a legend that while Sophia Cathedral is standing and Maria Oranta is praying for us, God is keeping Kyiv safe. Not far from Sophia Cathedral, near the Golden Gate, stands a monument to Yaroslav the Wise. The prince is holding a model of Sophia Ca­thedral on his palm. His greatest creation, and most valuable present to us, his descendents, is Sophia Cathedral.

1. Why was Sophia Cathedral built?
2.What are its mosaics, fres coes famous for?
3.Tell about Mariia Oranta.
4.What do you know about Yaroslav's library?

Make up sentences:
1. Kyiv / of / cathedral / Rus / Sophia Cathedral / the / was / main.
2. Greek / the / Sophia / wisdom / in / word / means.
3. Old / no / place / mosaics / other / in / has / the / so / world / many.
4. Hunting / on / scenes / of / the / are / walls / there.
5. Books / here / many / ago / were / years / written.

The Glorious Monastery
During the 11th century, in a small cave in the forest over the Dnieper settled a monk named Antonii. He was famous for his righteousness. Other people moved to the cave. Eventually 12 monks widened the cave and made the first underground church. This was the way Pechersk Monastery appeared. We call it Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Its head was Variaam,  later — Pheodosii.
It was difficult to live in the monastery. The monks ate only bread and drank water. Later they built cells on the mountain. The caves were used for burials. Antonii liked being alone, so he dug a separate cave for himself.
The first caves became the Near Caves, and the first man-made caves became the Far Caves, In 1073 building began on the famous Uspenskyi Cathedral. It was built by great craftsmen and decorated with mosaics and frescoes. There were mosaics on the floor and the icons were covered with silver and gold. The walls were full of portraits of Ukrainian princes, hetmans and educationalists. Outstanding people of Ukraine were buried here. During the Second World War it was blown up. Only a part of the wall of the Cathedral has survived.
Troitska (Trinity) Overgate Church was built in the Lavra during the Princes' times. It has also known changes, and now has the features of Ukrainian baroque, as Sophia Cathedral. There is a wonderful iconostas which was made in the 18th century by Ukrainian craftsmen. It looks like wonderful golden lace. It is difficult to believe it is made of wood.
Underground churches in the caves have also survived. There are 6 of them now. They are very small and simple. The monks refused any decorations which could divert them from thinking about God. The only decorations in the cave churches are golden iconostases.
Kyiv-Pechcrsk Lavra became the greatest sacred place to the Ukrainian people. In the Christian world it stands after Jerusalem and the sacred mountain Afon in Greece. There are many legends surrounding the place: legends of the caves, the churches, the bell-towers, and especially the lives of the people here. These are considered sacred. There are the preseved relics of 100 monks in the Lavra. That's why the Lavra has always attracted believers who come here to worship God's people. 'Many famous writers, artists, builders and healers of Kyiv Rus are among them. Nestor the Chronicler was one of the monks of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. He wrote the oldest Russian chronicle 'Chronicle of the Old Times.' He also wrote 'The Life of Pheodosius of Pechersk,' 'Readings of the Life and Death of Boris and Gleb' about the death of Volodymyr's sons. Pheodosius, a monk of Pechersk Monastery, was also a church-writer. He came from a rich prince's warrior family, which is why he received a good education.
The monks of Lavra wrote a precious literary monument of Kyiv Rus — a book of stories called 'Kyiv-Pechersk Paterik.' The word pater in Latin means father. The priests are usually called fathers. 'Paterik' tells about the fathers of Pechersk Lavra, their lives, good deeds, about the foundation of the Monastery, the building of Uspenskyi Cathedral. In every story there is an unusual event, so it is interesting to read.
A very famous icon painter, Alimpii worked in Lavra He was famous all over the Kyiv Rus. Every church wanted to have his icons. One icon was painted for Prince Volodymyr Monomakh. It has survived and is the pride of the picture gallery in Moscow. This is the famous Mariia Oranta. Alimpii also took part in the painting of Uspenskyi Cathedral.
Sick people often came to the Monastery, because the monks were also healers. They healed by prayers. They used herbs and medicines brought from Egypt, Byzantine and the Eastern countries. The most famous healer was Agapit. There is the church and the monument to him in the National Medical University. Damian, other healers included, who healed sick children and Prokhor Lobodnyk healed with herbs.
When Chernigiv Prince Sviatoslav became a monk of Lavra, he built a large hospital with a church to St. Mykolaj. That prince-monk was an amazing person. Like everybody else, he cut woods, carried water, worked in the bakery. He founded a library in Lavra, and planted an orchard on the hills.
Mykhailo Slaboshpytski wrote an interesting book 'From the Voice of Our Klio' about many outstanding people of Kyiv Rus.
Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra was the centre of culture for many centuries.
1.  When was Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra founded?
2. What was Alimpii?
3. Tell about the ancient Ukrainian healers.
   4.Which buildings have survived in the Monastery from the times of Kyiv Rus?
   5. Whom   do  you  know among ancient Russian writers?
   6. What famous book is written in Lavra?

   5. Whom   do  you  know among ancient Russian writers?
   6. What famous book is written in Lavra?

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. On the 24th of August 1991 Ukraine became an independent state. Kyiv is the home of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, administration of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Here we have many embassies of different countries. That is why it is the political centre of Ukraine.
Science has always flourished in Kyiv. Here the first institute was founded — Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. There has always been literature, music, theatre, art, schools. That is why Kyiv is a great scientific and cultural centre. We have the well known National University named after Taras Shevchenko, a number of institutes, colleges and specialized schools. That is why it is the centre of education.
Kyiv is an industrial centre. People make powerful aeroplanes, produce cloth, medicines, clothes and boots, among other things.
It is well-known for its churches. We have the famous Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The symbol of Kyiv is the Archangel Mykhail, a heavenly warrior with a sword of fire, who has always been considered the defender of Kyiv. The monument to Mykhail stands in the centre of the capital on the Independence Square.
   The territory of the city is 825 square kilometres. The population is 2 million 700 thousand. There are more than 300 schools  and  more than  1300 libraries in the

capital! There are many books written about Kyiv.
1.What does Kyiv mean for Ukraine?
2.         How many people live in Kyiv? Compare the population  of Kyiv with that of some other capi tals.
3.What books, legends, songs, films about Kyiv do you know?

Choose the best answer:
1.    Ukraine became an independent state
a)    on the 26 th of August.
b)   on the 24 th of April.
c)    on the 24 th of August.
2.National University named after
a)    Taras Shevchenko.
b)   Ivan Franko.
c)    Myhailo Hrusheskiy.
3.The symbol of Kyiv is
a)    Kyi, Schek, Khjryv.
b)   Prince Volodymyr.
c)    Archangel Mykhail.

Kyiv History
Kyiv was founded on the right bank of the Dnieper. Here there was a division between forests and steppes. To the north of Kyiv there were large forests full of wild life.  To the south there were fields of fertile land, good
painting of Uspenskyi Cathedral.
Sick people often came to the Monastery, because the monks were also healers. They healed by prayers. They used herbs and medicines brought from Egypt, Byzantine and the Eastern countries. The most famous healer was Agapit. There is the church and the monument to him in the National Medical University. Damian, other healers included, who healed sick children and Prokhor Lobodnyk healed with herbs.
When Chernigiv Prince Sviatoslav became a monk of Lavra, he built a large hospital with a church to St. Mykolaj. That prince-monk was an amazing person. Like everybody else, he cut woods, carried water, worked in the bakery. He founded a library in Lavra, and planted an orchard on the hills.
Mykhailo Slaboshpytski wrote an interesting book 'From the Voice of Our Klio' about many outstanding people of Kyiv Rus.
Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra was the centre of culture for many centuries.
1. When was Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra founded?
2. What was Alimpii?
3. Tell about the ancient Ukrainian healers.
   4.Which buildings have survived in the Monastery from the times of Kyiv Rus?
considered sacred. There are the preseved relics of 100 monks in the Lavra. That's why the Lavra has always attracted believers who come here to worship God's people. 'Many famous writers, artists, builders and healers of Kyiv Rus are among them. Nestor the Chronicler was one of the monks of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. He wrote the oldest Russian chronicle 'Chronicle of the Old Times.' He also wrote 'The Life of Pheodosius of Pechersk,' 'Readings of the Life and Death of Boris and Gleb' about the death of Volodymyr's sons. Pheodosius, a monk of Pechersk Monastery, was also a church-writer. He came from a rich prince's warrior family, which is why he received a good education.
  The monks of Lavra wrote a precious literary monument of Kyiv Rus — a book of stories called 'Kyiv-Pechersk Paterik.' The word pater in Latin means father. The priests are usually called fathers. 'Paterik' tells about the fathers of Pechersk Lavra, their lives, good deeds, about the foundation of the Monastery, the building of Uspenskyi Cathedral. In every story there is an unusual event, so it is interesting to read.
  A very famous icon painter, Alimpii worked in Lavra He was famous all over the Kyiv Rus. Every church wanted to have his icons. One icon was painted for Prince Volodymyr Monomakh. It has survived and is the pride of the picture gallery in Moscow. This is the famous  Mariia  Oranta.  Alimpii also took part in the
for growing wheat.
There is a legend in the 'Chronicles' of Nestor written at the beginning of the 12th century. Nestor the Chronicler wrote, "...when Poliany lived freely there were three brothers: Kyi, Schek and Khoryv and a sister - Lybid." Kyi sat on the hill which is now called Borychiv descent; Schek sat on the hill which is now called Schekavytsia; Khoryv sat on the hill which is now called Khoryvytsia. They built a town and called it Kyiv after their elder brother. There was a forest around the town and people hunted wild animals there.
Nobody knows the exact date of the foundation of Kyiv. The territory of Kyiv was inhabited many years ago. 15—20 thousand years ago our ancient ancestors lived here. Scientists have found several settlements, the largest of which is called Kyrylivska settle­ment. The climate in those days was colder, which is why people lived not on the hill, but in the valley. Archalogists found the remnants of fires, mammoths' bones and simple tools. You can see them in the Natural Sciences Academy of Ukraine.
The settlements that existed before III century B.C. are called Pre-Kvivan. Then people settled on the Old Kyiv Mountain (Starokyivska) and Castle Mountain (Zamkova), in Podil, Obolon, Pechersk and other places. People grew crops and bred animals, and knew how to make tools out of bronze, ore,  how to make pots
out of clay. They traded with Greek towns on the Black Sea.
Scientists proved that Kyiv as a city had begun life in
the V century.
Kyiv is now considered to be more than 1500 years        old.
Still, we don't know much about Kyiv. We know the names of Askold and Dir. Askold was famous for his trips to Byzantine. In 860 he was near to taking Konstantynopol (or Tsargorod) and Byzantine had to make a treaty with Askold which was profitable for Rus.
These raids had another result: Askold became a Christian. That was possibly the cause of his death. In 882 Oleg came to Kyiv and killed Askold. The people of Kyiv then made Oleg their prince.
Askold was buried at the place of his death. Later Princess Olga, a Christian, built a church on his grave. In the 19th century a round church was built on that spot.
There is the very beautiful St. Andrew's church. According to a legend, Jesus' apostle Andrew appeared at that place, put down a cross and said there would be a Christian city there.
1. Why was the geographical position suitable for foundation of Kyiv?
2.Who founded Kyiv?
3. When did Kyiv appear as a city?
4. What do you know about Askold?
The first caves became the Near Caves, and the first man-made caves became the Far Caves, In 1073 building began on the famous Uspenskyi Cathedral. It was built by great craftsmen and decorated with mosaics and frescoes. There were mosaics on the floor and the icons were covered with silver and gold. The walls were full of portraits of Ukrainian princes, hetmans and educationalists. Outstanding people of Ukraine were buried here. During the Second World War it was blown up. Only a part of the wall of the Cathedral has survived.
Troitska (Trinity) Overgate Church was built in the Lavra during the Princes' times. It has also known changes, and now has the features of Ukrainian baroque, as Sophia Cathedral. There is a wonderful iconostas which was made in the 18th century by Ukrainian craftsmen. It looks like wonderful golden lace. It is difficult to believe it is made of wood.
Underground churches in the caves have also survived. There are 6 of them now. They are very small and simple. The monks refused any decorations which could divert them from thinking about God. The only decorations in the cave churches are golden iconostases.
Kyiv-Pechcrsk Lavra became the greatest sacred place to the Ukrainian people. In the Christian world it stands after Jerusalem and the sacred mountain Afon in Greece. There are many legends surrounding the place: legends of the caves, the churches, the bell-towers, and especially  the  lives of  the people  here.  These are
 1.  Why was Sophia Cathedral built?
2.What are its mosaics, fres coes famous for?
3.          Tell about Mariia Oranta.
4.          What do you know about Yaroslav's library?

Make up sentences:
1. Kyiv / of / cathedral / Rus / Sophia Cathedral / the / was / main.
2. Greek / the / Sophia / wisdom / in / word / means.
3. Old / no / place / mosaics / other / in / has / the / so / world / many.
4. Hunting / on / scenes / of / the / are / walls / there.
5. Books / here / many / ago / were / years / written.

The Glorious Monastery
During the 11th century, in a small cave in the forest over the Dnieper settled a monk named Antonii. He was famous for his righteousness. Other people moved to the cave. Eventually 12 monks widened the cave and made the first underground church. This was the way Pechersk Monastery appeared. We call it Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Its head was Variaam,  later — Pheodosii.
It was difficult to live in the monastery. The monks ate only bread and drank water. Later they built cells on the mountain. The caves were used for burials. Antonii liked being alone, so he dug a separate cave for himself.
5.          What historical names have survived in Kyiv?

Match 1-5 with a-e to make true sentences:
1.           Kyiv was founded
2.           Kyi sat on the hill
3.           The settlements that existed before III century B.C.
4.           Schek sat on the hill
5.           Khoryv sat on the hill

a)           are called Pre-Kyivan.
b)         called Schekavytsia.
c)           on the right bank of the Dnieper.
d)         called Khoryvytsia.
e)           called Borychiv descent.

The Prince's City
In the 10th century Kyiv became the capital of a powerful state — Kyiv Rus. It owned a vast territory — frоm the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea Prince Oleg nailed a shield to the gate of Tsargorod and made Byzantine pay tribute to Kyiv Rus. Princes Sviatoslav, Volodymyr and Yaroslav added new lands to Kyiv Rus. This great state had a great capital, Kyiv.
The centre of the capital was on the Old Kyiv (Starokyivska) mountain, where legendary Kyiv lived. Prince Volodymyr built a new place. Its territory was 10 hectares. It was the city of Volodymyr.  The streets led to
the main square—Babyn Torzhok (Women's market), decorated by four horses. Not far away were figures of pagan gods. After baptizing they were thrown into the Dnieper, and the Decimal (Desiatynna) church was built in Kyiv. Prince Volodymyr gave his title for the building of this church. That's why it has such a name.
The baptizing of Rus took place in 988. From that time chronicles, schools, churches appeared. Prince Volodymyr who baptized Rus is considered a Saint. To honor him Volodymyrskyi Cathedral was built in Kyiv. There is a monument to him on Mykhailivska hill. The bronze prince with a great cross is seen over the Dnieper.
The monument to Princess Olga also reminds us about baptizing of Rus. On one side of the monument stands St Andrew, and on the other side St. Cyril and St. Methodius. Princess Olga is also considered a Saint.
Volodymyr's town soon became too small. Prince Yaroslav put a fence around a much larger territory. Yaroslav's town was eight times bigger than Volodymyr's. Only wealthy people lived there. During that time Kyiv occupied 400 hectares. Approximately 50 thousand people lived there. It was one of the biggest cities in Europe at the time.
Kyiv was worth seeing then. You could see the golden domes of churches and cathedrals and the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate was enormous in size. The wall  was  16  metres  high,  30  metres  wide.  The
that Yaroslav's descendents divided them, and the books were spread along Russia. Other people believe that the library is still hidden somewhere. For many years it was looked for in the caves under Sophia Cathedral. In front of the Cathedral there is a marble stone with Yaroslav's portrait to commemorate the first library of Kyiv Rus. Prince Yaroslav the Wise is buried here, in Sophia Cathedral, in a sarcophagus made of white marble.
Sophia Cathedral has seen much tragedy during its history. But the people of Kyiv have always repaired and renewed it New Sophia Cathedral has beautiful new domes. They are in Ukrainian Baroque style.
Sophia Cathedral is a precious monument not only for Ukraine, but for the whole world. UNESCO protects it and tourists from many countries come to see it.
There are many books written about Sophia Cathedral. There is even a historical novel — 'Wonder' by Pavlo Zagrebelny.
There is a legend that while Sophia Cathedral is standing and Maria Oranta is praying for us, God is keeping Kyiv safe. Not far from Sophia Cathedral, near the Golden Gate, stands a monument to Yaroslav the Wise. The prince is holding a model of Sophia Ca­thedral on his palm. His greatest creation, and most valuable present to us, his descendents, is Sophia Cathedral.

frescoes have survived. They are not as bright, but they had to withstand very much. The most interesting ones are images of Yaroslav the Wise with his                                            wife, his sons and daughters. On the walls there are scenes of hunting, ancient Russian musicians and dancers. There are also very valuable frescoes, which tell much about life at that time. Sophia Cathedral has its secrets. Why do voices sound so clear here? Without any microphone they can be heard all over the great building. The ancient craftsmen used their skills here. They embedded thousands of pots in the walls. The sound travels into the pots, and the walls work like best modern musical equipment.
One more secret of Sophia has yet to be revealed. Many years ago books were written here. Yaroslav the Wise created and stored his library here. It is believed that there were more than 1000 books in it. In Europe in those days big libraries had about 100 books, the biggest ones had 200 or 300. But here, in Sophia Cathedral, there were three times more! The books were written by hand, their covers were decorated with gold and precious stones. People didn't use paper in those days, the sheets were made of parchment — a very thin skin. Skins of 60 calves were used to make one book 'Ostromyrove Gospel.' They were so expensive that only princes and wealthy people could have books.
The question is: where is the library now? There are different answers to this question.  Some people think
Golden Gate survives even now. It was reconstructed several years ago. Under Independence Square the remnants of another gate was found — Liadski Gate. Under Lviv Square one more gate — Lviv Gate — was excavated.
Khreschatyck was a valley covered with forests on the bottom of which there was a stream. The people of Kyiv hunted here for small animals and birds. On the hills there were churches of monasteries: Klov, Berestove, Vydubychi, Kytaieve. These names have survived up to now.
But the noisest life was in Podil. Here Craftsmen lived. People having the same trade lived in one place, and this place was called after them: Gonchary, Kozhumiaky. Zhytnii market was very busy. Not far from it in the harbour of Pochaina, traders' ships tied up were moored. The skill of the goldsmiths surprises people even now. Kyiv treasures tell us about this. The richest is the Mykhailivskyi treasure found on Mykhailivsca Hill. The treasures are kept in many museums of Russia and in the Historical Museum of the Jeweller's Art which is situated in the grounds of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.
1. What do you know about Volodymyr's town?
2. What do you know about the craftsmen of Podil.

Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences:
1.  Princess Olga added new lands to Kyiv Rus.
2.  The centre of the capital was on the Starokyivska mountain.
3.   The streets led to the main square – Babyn Torzhok, decorated by five horses.
4.             The monument to Saint Volodymyr is on Mykhailivska hill.
5.  Only wealthy people lived in Yaroslav’s town.

Kyiv Sophia
Up to the 11th century there were constant wars between the people of Kyiv Rus and Pechenigy. They lasted for 120 years. At the beginning of the 11th century Prince Yaroslav fought them for the last time and conquered mem. To celebrate this event in 1037 Prince Yaroslav began building the Sophia Cathedral. This was the main cathedral of Kyiv Rus.
The word Sophia means wisdom in Greek. Prince Yaroslav, called Wise, valued wisdom, knowledge and books most of all. But he named his biggest cathedral not just because of this. ,The main cathedral of the capital of Byzantine was also called Sophia, and it seemed that Kyiv was challenging Konstantynopol and putting itself on the same level. The rules for building  churches  came  to us from Byzantine along
with Christianity. The church was to be square. Inside it was divided into long sections naves. Russian builders also built these according to the rules. They also used their own experience, having built stone palaces in Kyiv. Sophia Cathedral doesn't look like any other church in the world. It is beautiful and unique.
When you come into the Cathedral, you first notice Mother Oranta who is raising her hands in prayer. Mother Oranta is represented on a bright golden background, her clothes are gold and blue. These colours are the symbols of Ukraine, and they are on our flag. On the main dome Jesus Christ you see. He is looking at us with his big, calm, understanding eyes. These and other figures are made of mosaics — coloured pieces of special glass called smalt. These coloured pieces of glass were made by Ukrainian people. They made glass, added some dye and then poured substance onto a flat surface. When these 'pancakes' were ready, they were split into even blocks. There are 168 colours in the mosaics of Sophia Cathedral. It was much harder to make the golden pieces. To do this very thin golden sheets were put into the clear the glass.
Of the 640 square metres which were decorated with mosaics in Sophia Cathedral, now only 260 are left. Even so, no other place in the world has so many old mosaics.
The rest of the walls were decorated with frescoes — paintings on wet plaster.  About  3000 square metres of

The crossword











1.  It is well-known for its …
2.  Only … people lived there.
3.  The rest of the walls were decorated with …
4.  Scientists have found several …
5.  The main Kyiv … is the goldsmith.
6.  Sophia Cathedral is beautiful and …

1. Kyiv is a great cultural …
7.  Our ancient … lived here.
8.  People settled in …
9.  In the 10 th century Kyiv became the capital of … state.
10.            The bronze prince with a great … is seen over the Dnieper.

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. On the 24th of August 1991 Ukraine became an independent state. Kyiv is the home of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, administration of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Here we have many embassies of different countries. That is why it is the political centre of Ukraine.
Science has always flourished in Kyiv. Here the first institute was founded — Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. There has always been literature, music, theatre, art, schools. That is why Kyiv is a great scientific and cultural centre. We have the well known National University named after Taras Shevchenko, a number of institutes, colleges and specialized schools. That is why it is the centre of education.
Kyiv is an industrial centre. People make powerful aeroplanes, produce cloth, medicines, clothes and boots, among other things.
It is well-known for its churches. We have the famous Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The symbol of Kyiv is the Archangel Mykhail, a heavenly warrior with a sword of fire, who has always been considered the defender of Kyiv. The monument to Mykhail stands in the centre of the capital on the Independence Square.
The territory of the city is 825 square kilometres. The population is 2 million 700 thousand. There are more than 300 schools and more than 1300 libraries in the capital! There are many books written about Kyiv.
1.What does Kyiv mean for Ukraine?
2.         How many people live in Kyiv? Compare the population  of Kyiv with that of some other capi tals.
3.    What books, legends, songs, films about Kyiv do you know?

Choose the best answer:
1.    Ukraine became an independent state
a) on the 26 th of August.
b) on the 24 th of April.
c) on the 24 th of August.
2.    National University named after
a) Taras Shevchenko.
b) Ivan Franko.
c) Myhailo Hrusheskiy.
3.    The symbol of Kyiv is
a)    Kyi, Schek, Khjryv.
b)   Prince Volodymyr.
c)    Archangel Mykhail.

Kyiv History
Kyiv was founded on the right bank of the Dnieper. Here there was a division between forests and steppes. To the north of Kyiv there were large forests full of wild life. To the south there were fields of fertile land, good for growing wheat.
There is a legend in the 'Chronicles' of Nestor written at the beginning of the 12th century. Nestor the Chronicler wrote, "...when Poliany lived freely there were three brothers: Kyi, Schek and Khoryv and a sister - Lybid." Kyi sat on the hill which is now called Borychiv descent; Schek sat on the hill which is now called Schekavytsia; Khoryv sat on the hill which is now called Khoryvytsia. They built a town and called it Kyiv after their elder brother. There was a forest around the town and people hunted wild animals there.
Nobody knows the exact date of the foundation of Kyiv. The territory of Kyiv was inhabited many years ago. 15—20 thousand years ago our ancient ancestors lived here. Scientists have found several settlements, the largest of which is called Kyrylivska settle­ment. The climate in those days was colder, which is why people lived not on the hill, but in the valley. Archalogists found the remnants of fires, mammoths' bones and simple tools. You can see them in the Natural Sciences Academy of Ukraine.
The settlements that existed before III century B.C. are called Pre-Kvivan. Then people settled on the Old Kyiv Mountain (Starokyivska) and Castle Mountain (Zamkova), in Podil, Obolon, Pechersk and other places. People grew crops and bred animals, and knew how to make tools out of bronze, ore, how to make pots out of clay. They traded with Greek towns on the Black Sea.
Scientists proved that Kyiv as a city had begun life in the V century.
Kyiv is now considered to be more than 1500 years old.
Still, we don't know much about Kyiv. We know the names of Askold and Dir. Askold was famous for his trips to Byzantine. In 860 he was near to taking Konstantynopol (or Tsargorod) and Byzantine had to make a treaty with Askold which was profitable for Rus.
These raids had another result: Askold became a Christian. That was possibly the cause of his death. In 882 Oleg came to Kyiv and killed Askold. The people of Kyiv then made Oleg their prince.
Askold was buried at the place of his death. Later Princess Olga, a Christian, built a church on his grave. In the 19th century a round church was built on that spot.
There is the very beautiful St. Andrew's church. According to a legend, Jesus' apostle Andrew appeared at that place, put down a cross and said there would be a Christian city there.
1. Why was the geographical position suitable for foundation of Kyiv?
2. Who founded Kyiv?
3. When did Kyiv appear as a city?
4.          What do you know about Askold?
5.          What historical names have survived in Kyiv?

Match 1-5 with a-e to make true sentences:
1.           Kyiv was founded
2.           Kyi sat on the hill
3.           The settlements that existed before III century B.C.
4.           Schek sat on the hill
5.           Khoryv sat on the hill

a)           are called Pre-Kyivan.
b)         called Schekavytsia.
c)           on the right bank of the Dnieper.
d)         called Khoryvytsia.
e)           called Borychiv descent.

The Prince's City
In the 10th century Kyiv became the capital of a powerful state — Kyiv Rus. It owned a vast territory — frоm the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea Prince Oleg nailed a shield to the gate of Tsargorod and made Byzantine pay tribute to Kyiv Rus. Princes Sviatoslav, Volodymyr and Yaroslav added new lands to Kyiv Rus. This great state had a great capital, Kyiv.
The centre of the capital was on the Old Kyiv (Starokyivska) mountain, where legendary Kyiv lived. Prince Volodymyr built a new place. Its territory was 10 hectares. It was the city of Volodymyr. The streets led to the main square—Babyn Torzhok (Women's market), decorated by four horses. Not far away were figures of pagan gods. After baptizing they were thrown into the Dnieper, and the Decimal (Desiatynna) church was built in Kyiv. Prince Volodymyr gave his title for the building of this church. That's why it has such a name.
The baptizing of Rus took place in 988. From that time chronicles, schools, churches appeared. Prince Volodymyr who baptized Rus is considered a Saint. To honor him Volodymyrskyi Cathedral was built in Kyiv. There is a monument to him on Mykhailivska hill. The bronze prince with a great cross is seen over the Dnieper.
The monument to Princess Olga also reminds us about baptizing of Rus. On one side of the monument stands St Andrew, and on the other side St. Cyril and St. Methodius. Princess Olga is also considered a Saint.
Volodymyr's town soon became too small. Prince Yaroslav put a fence around a much larger territory. Yaroslav's town was eight times bigger than Volodymyr's. Only wealthy people lived there. During that time Kyiv occupied 400 hectares. Approximately 50 thousand people lived there. It was one of the biggest cities in Europe at the time.
Kyiv was worth seeing then. You could see the golden domes of churches and cathedrals and the Golden Gate. The Golden Gate was enormous in size. The wall was 16 metres high, 30 metres wide. The Golden Gate survives even now. It was reconstructed several years ago. Under Independence Square the remnants of another gate was found — Liadski Gate. Under Lviv Square one more gate — Lviv Gate — was excavated.
Khreschatyck was a valley covered with forests on the bottom of which there was a stream. The people of Kyiv hunted here for small animals and birds. On the hills there were churches of monasteries: Klov, Berestove, Vydubychi, Kytaieve. These names have survived up to now.
But the noisest life was in Podil. Here Craftsmen lived. People having the same trade lived in one place, and this place was called after them: Gonchary, Kozhumiaky. Zhytnii market was very busy. Not far from it in the harbour of Pochaina, traders' ships tied up were moored. The skill of the goldsmiths surprises people even now. Kyiv treasures tell us about this. The richest is the Mykhailivskyi treasure found on Mykhailivsca Hill. The treasures are kept in many museums of Russia and in the Historical Museum of the Jeweller's Art which is situated in the grounds of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

1.  What do you know about Volodymyr's town?
2.          What do you know about the craftsmen of Podil.

Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences:
1.   Princess Olga added new lands to Kyiv Rus.
2.   The centre of the capital was on the Starokyivska mountain.
3.              The streets led to the main square – Babyn Torzhok, decorated by five horses.
4.   The monument to Saint Volodymyr is on Mykhailivska hill.
5.   Only wealthy people lived in Yaroslav’s town.

Kyiv Sophia
Up to the 11th century there were constant wars between the people of Kyiv Rus and Pechenigy. They lasted for 120 years. At the beginning of the 11th century Prince Yaroslav fought them for the last time and conquered mem. To celebrate this event in 1037 Prince Yaroslav began building the Sophia Cathedral. This was the main cathedral of Kyiv Rus.
The word Sophia means wisdom in Greek. Prince Yaroslav, called Wise, valued wisdom, knowledge and books most of all. But he named his biggest cathedral not just because of this. ,The main cathedral of the capital of Byzantine was also called Sophia, and it seemed that Kyiv was challenging Konstantynopol and putting itself on the same level. The rules for building churches came to us from Byzantine along with Christianity. The church was to be square. Inside it was divided into long sections naves. Russian builders also built these according to the rules. They also used their own experience, having built stone palaces in Kyiv. Sophia Cathedral doesn't look like any other church in the world. It is beautiful and unique.
When you come into the Cathedral, you first notice Mother Oranta who is raising her hands in prayer. Mother Oranta is represented on a bright golden background, her clothes are gold and blue. These colours are the symbols of Ukraine, and they are on our flag. On the main dome Jesus Christ you see. He is looking at us with his big, calm, understanding eyes. These and other figures are made of mosaics — coloured pieces of special glass called smalt. These coloured pieces of glass were made by Ukrainian people. They made glass, added some dye and then poured substance onto a flat surface. When these 'pancakes' were ready, they were split into even blocks. There are 168 colours in the mosaics of Sophia Cathedral. It was much harder to make the golden pieces. To do this very thin golden sheets were put into the clear the glass.
Of the 640 square metres which were decorated with mosaics in Sophia Cathedral, now only 260 are left. Even so, no other place in the world has so many old mosaics.
The rest of the walls were decorated with frescoes — paintings on wet plaster. About 3000 square metres of frescoes have survived. They are not as bright, but they had to withstand very much. The most interesting ones are images of Yaroslav the Wise with his                                            wife, his sons and daughters. On the walls there are scenes of hunting, ancient Russian musicians and dancers. There are also very valuable frescoes, which tell much about life at that time. Sophia Cathedral has its secrets. Why do voices sound so clear here? Without any microphone they can be heard all over the great building. The ancient craftsmen used their skills here. They embedded thousands of pots in the walls. The sound travels into the pots, and the walls work like best modern musical equipment.
One more secret of Sophia has yet to be revealed. Many years ago books were written here. Yaroslav the Wise created and stored his library here. It is believed that there were more than 1000 books in it. In Europe in those days big libraries had about 100 books, the biggest ones had 200 or 300. But here, in Sophia Cathedral, there were three times more! The books were written by hand, their covers were decorated with gold and precious stones. People didn't use paper in those days, the sheets were made of parchment — a very thin skin. Skins of 60 calves were used to make one book 'Ostromyrove Gospel.' They were so expensive that only princes and wealthy people could have books.
The question is: where is the library now? There are different answers to this question. Some people think that Yaroslav's descendents divided them, and the books were spread along Russia. Other people believe that the library is still hidden somewhere. For many years it was looked for in the caves under Sophia Cathedral. In front of the Cathedral there is a marble stone with Yaroslav's portrait to commemorate the first library of Kyiv Rus. Prince Yaroslav the Wise is buried here, in Sophia Cathedral, in a sarcophagus made of white marble.
Sophia Cathedral has seen much tragedy during its history. But the people of Kyiv have always repaired and renewed it New Sophia Cathedral has beautiful new domes. They are in Ukrainian Baroque style.
Sophia Cathedral is a precious monument not only for Ukraine, but for the whole world. UNESCO protects it and tourists from many countries come to see it.
There are many books written about Sophia Cathedral. There is even a historical novel — 'Wonder' by Pavlo Zagrebelny.
There is a legend that while Sophia Cathedral is standing and Maria Oranta is praying for us, God is keeping Kyiv safe. Not far from Sophia Cathedral, near the Golden Gate, stands a monument to Yaroslav the Wise. The prince is holding a model of Sophia Ca­thedral on his palm. His greatest creation, and most valuable present to us, his descendents, is Sophia Cathedral.

1. Why was Sophia Cathedral built?
2. What are its mosaics, fres coes famous for?
3.          Tell about Mariia Oranta.
4.          What do you know about Yaroslav's library?

Make up sentences:
1. Kyiv / of / cathedral / Rus / Sophia Cathedral / the / was / main.
2. Greek / the / Sophia / wisdom / in / word / means.
3. Old / no / place / mosaics / other / in / has / the / so / world / many.
4. Hunting / on / scenes / of / the / are / walls / there.
5. Books / here / many / ago / were / years / written.

The Glorious Monastery
During the 11th century, in a small cave in the forest over the Dnieper settled a monk named Antonii. He was famous for his righteousness. Other people moved to the cave. Eventually 12 monks widened the cave and made the first underground church. This was the way Pechersk Monastery appeared. We call it Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Its head was Variaam,  later — Pheodosii.
It was difficult to live in the monastery. The monks ate only bread and drank water. Later they built cells on the mountain. The caves were used for burials. Antonii liked being alone, so he dug a separate cave for himself.
The first caves became the Near Caves, and the first man-made caves became the Far Caves, In 1073 building began on the famous Uspenskyi Cathedral. It was built by great craftsmen and decorated with mosaics and frescoes. There were mosaics on the floor and the icons were covered with silver and gold. The walls were full of portraits of Ukrainian princes, hetmans and educationalists. Outstanding people of Ukraine were buried here. During the Second World War it was blown up. Only a part of the wall of the Cathedral has survived.
Troitska (Trinity) Overgate Church was built in the Lavra during the Princes' times. It has also known changes, and now has the features of Ukrainian baroque, as Sophia Cathedral. There is a wonderful iconostas which was made in the 18th century by Ukrainian craftsmen. It looks like wonderful golden lace. It is difficult to believe it is made of wood.
Underground churches in the caves have also survived. There are 6 of them now. They are very small and simple. The monks refused any decorations which could divert them from thinking about God. The only decorations in the cave churches are golden iconostases.
Kyiv-Pechcrsk Lavra became the greatest sacred place to the Ukrainian people. In the Christian world it stands after Jerusalem and the sacred mountain Afon in Greece. There are many legends surrounding the place: legends of the caves, the churches, the bell-towers, and especially the lives of the people here. These are considered sacred. There are the preseved relics of 100 monks in the Lavra. That's why the Lavra has always attracted believers who come here to worship God's people. 'Many famous writers, artists, builders and healers of Kyiv Rus are among them. Nestor the Chronicler was one of the monks of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. He wrote the oldest Russian chronicle 'Chronicle of the Old Times.' He also wrote 'The Life of Pheodosius of Pechersk,' 'Readings of the Life and Death of Boris and Gleb' about the death of Volodymyr's sons. Pheodosius, a monk of Pechersk Monastery, was also a church-writer. He came from a rich prince's warrior family, which is why he received a good education.
The monks of Lavra wrote a precious literary monument of Kyiv Rus — a book of stories called 'Kyiv-Pechersk Paterik.' The word pater in Latin means father. The priests are usually called fathers. 'Paterik' tells about the fathers of Pechersk Lavra, their lives, good deeds, about the foundation of the Monastery, the building of Uspenskyi Cathedral. In every story there is an unusual event, so it is interesting to read.
A very famous icon painter, Alimpii worked in Lavra He was famous all over the Kyiv Rus. Every church wanted to have his icons. One icon was painted for Prince Volodymyr Monomakh. It has survived and is the pride of the picture gallery in Moscow. This is the famous Mariia Oranta. Alimpii also took part in the painting of Uspenskyi Cathedral.
Sick people often came to the Monastery, because the monks were also healers. They healed by prayers. They used herbs and medicines brought from Egypt, Byzantine and the Eastern countries. The most famous healer was Agapit. There is the church and the monument to him in the National Medical University. Damian, other healers included, who healed sick children and Prokhor Lobodnyk healed with herbs.
When Chernigiv Prince Sviatoslav became a monk of Lavra, he built a large hospital with a church to St. Mykolaj. That prince-monk was an amazing person. Like everybody else, he cut woods, carried water, worked in the bakery. He founded a library in Lavra, and planted an orchard on the hills.
Mykhailo Slaboshpytski wrote an interesting book 'From the Voice of Our Klio' about many outstanding people of Kyiv Rus.
Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra was the centre of culture for many centuries.
1.  When was Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra founded?
2. What was Alimpii?
3. Tell about the ancient Ukrainian healers.
   4. Which buildings have survived in the Monastery from the times of Kyiv Rus?
   5. Whom   do  you  know among ancient Russian writers?
   6. What famous book is written in Lavra?

The crossword











1.  It is well-known for its …
2.  Only … people lived there.
3.  The rest of the walls were decorated with …
4.  Scientists have found several …
5.  The main Kyiv … is the goldsmith.
6.  Sophia Cathedral is beautiful and …

1. Kyiv is a great cultural …
7.  Our ancient … lived here.
8.  People settled in …
9.  In the 10 th century Kyiv became the capital of … state.
10. The bronze prince with a great … is seen over the Dnieper.

Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. On the 24th of August 1991 Ukraine became an independent state. Kyiv is the home of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, administration of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers. Here we have many embassies of different countries. That is why it is the political centre of Ukraine.
Science has always flourished in Kyiv. Here the first institute was founded — Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. There has always been literature, music, theatre, art, schools. That is why Kyiv is a great scientific and cultural centre. We have the well known National University named after Taras Shevchenko, a number of institutes, colleges and specialized schools. That is why it is the centre of education.
Kyiv is an industrial centre. People make powerful aeroplanes, produce cloth, medicines, clothes and boots, among other things.
It is well-known for its churches. We have the famous Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The symbol of Kyiv is the Archangel Mykhail, a heavenly warrior with a sword of fire, who has always been considered the defender of Kyiv. The monument to Mykhail stands in the centre of the capital on the Independence Square.
The territory of the city is 825 square kilometres. The population is 2 million 700 thousand. There are more than 300 schools and more than 1300 libraries in the capital! There are many books written about Kyiv.

1.What does Kyiv mean for Ukraine?
2.         How many people live in Kyiv? Compare the population  of Kyiv with that of some other capi tals.
3.    What books, legends, songs, films about Kyiv do you know?

Choose the best answer:
1.    Ukraine became an independent state
a) on the 26 th of August.
b) on the 24 th of April.
c) on the 24 th of August.
2.    National University named after
a) Taras Shevchenko.
b) Ivan Franko.
c) Myhailo Hrusheskiy.
3.    The symbol of Kyiv is
a)    Kyi, Schek, Khjryv.
b)   Prince Volodymyr.
c)    Archangel Mykhail.

Kyiv History
Kyiv was founded on the right bank of the Dnieper. Here there was a division between forests and steppes. To the north of Kyiv there were large forests full of wild life. To the south there were fields of fertile land, good for growing wheat.
There is  a  legend in  the  'Chronicles' of  Nestor
the monks were also healers. They healed by prayers. They used herbs and medicines brought from Egypt, Byzantine and the Eastern countries. The most famous healer was Agapit. There is the church and the monument to him in the National Medical University. Damian, other healers included, who healed sick children and Prokhor Lobodnyk healed with herbs.
When Chernigiv Prince Sviatoslav became a monk of Lavra, he built a large hospital with a church to St. Mykolaj. That prince-monk was an amazing person. Like everybody else, he cut woods, carried water, worked in the bakery. He founded a library in Lavra, and planted an orchard on the hills.
Mykhailo Slaboshpytski wrote an interesting book 'From the Voice of Our Klio' about many outstanding people of Kyiv Rus.
Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra was the centre of culture for many centuries.
1. When was Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra founded?
2. What was Alimpii?
 3. Tell about the ancient Ukrainian healers.
   4. Which buildings have survived in the Monastery from the times of Kyiv Rus?
   5. Whom   do  you  know among ancient Russian writers?
   6. What famous book is written in Lavra?

attracted believers who come here to worship God's people. 'Many famous writers, artists, builders and healers of Kyiv Rus are among them. Nestor the Chronicler was one of the monks of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. He wrote the oldest Russian chronicle 'Chronicle of the Old Times.' He also wrote 'The Life of Pheodosius of Pechersk,' 'Readings of the Life and Death of Boris and Gleb' about the death of Volodymyr's sons. Pheodosius, a monk of Pechersk Monastery, was also a church-writer. He came from a rich prince's warrior family, which is why he received a good education.
The monks of Lavra wrote a precious literary monument of Kyiv Rus — a book of stories called 'Kyiv-Pechersk Paterik.' The word pater in Latin means father. The priests are usually called fathers. 'Paterik' tells about the fathers of Pechersk Lavra, their lives, good deeds, about the foundation of the Monastery, the building of Uspenskyi Cathedral. In every story there is an unusual event, so it is interesting to read.
A very famous icon painter, Alimpii worked in Lavra He was famous all over the Kyiv Rus. Every church wanted to have his icons. One icon was painted for Prince Volodymyr Monomakh. It has survived and is the pride of the picture gallery in Moscow. This is the famous Mariia Oranta. Alimpii also took part in the painting of Uspenskyi Cathedral.
Sick people often came to  the Monastery, because

written at the beginning of the 12th century. Nestor the Chronicler wrote, "...when Poliany lived freely there were three brothers: Kyi, Schek and Khoryv and a sister - Lybid." Kyi sat on the hill which is now called Borychiv descent; Schek sat on the hill which is now called Schekavytsia; Khoryv sat on the hill which is now called Khoryvytsia. They built a town and called it Kyiv after their elder brother. There was a forest around the town and people hunted wild animals there.
Nobody knows the exact date of the foundation of Kyiv. The territory of Kyiv was inhabited many years ago. 15—20 thousand years ago our ancient ancestors lived here. Scientists have found several settlements, the largest of which is called Kyrylivska settle­ment. The climate in those days was colder, which is why people lived not on the hill, but in the valley. Archalogists found the remnants of fires, mammoths' bones and simple tools. You can see them in the Natural Sciences Academy of Ukraine.
The settlements that existed before III century B.C. are called Pre-Kvivan. Then people settled on the Old Kyiv Mountain (Starokyivska) and Castle Mountain (Zamkova), in Podil, Obolon, Pechersk and other places. People grew crops and bred animals, and knew how to make tools out of bronze, ore, how to make pots out of clay. They traded with Greek towns on the Black Sea.

Scientists proved that Kyiv as a city had begun life in the V century.
Kyiv is now considered to be more than 1500 years old.
Still, we don't know much about Kyiv. We know the names of Askold and Dir. Askold was famous for his trips to Byzantine. In 860 he was near to taking Konstantynopol (or Tsargorod) and Byzantine had to make a treaty with Askold which was profitable for Rus.
These raids had another result: Askold became a Christian. That was possibly the cause of his death. In 882 Oleg came to Kyiv and killed Askold. The people of Kyiv then made Oleg their prince.
Askold was buried at the place of his death. Later Princess Olga, a Christian, built a church on his grave. In the 19th century a round church was built on that spot.
There is the very beautiful St. Andrew's church. According to a legend, Jesus' apostle Andrew appeared at that place, put down a cross and said there would be a Christian city there.
1. Why was the geographical position suitable for foundation of Kyiv?
2. Who founded Kyiv?
3. When did Kyiv appear as a city?
4.          What do you know about Askold?
5.          What historical names have survived in Kyiv?

building began on the famous Uspenskyi Cathedral. It was built by great craftsmen and decorated with mosaics and frescoes. There were mosaics on the floor and the icons were covered with silver and gold. The walls were full of portraits of Ukrainian princes, hetmans and educationalists. Outstanding people of Ukraine were buried here. During the Second World War it was blown up. Only a part of the wall of the Cathedral has survived.
Troitska (Trinity) Overgate Church was built in the Lavra during the Princes' times. It has also known changes, and now has the features of Ukrainian baroque, as Sophia Cathedral. There is a wonderful iconostas which was made in the 18th century by Ukrainian craftsmen. It looks like wonderful golden lace. It is difficult to believe it is made of wood.
Underground churches in the caves have also survived. There are 6 of them now. They are very small and simple. The monks refused any decorations which could divert them from thinking about God. The only decorations in the cave churches are golden iconostases.
      Kyiv-Pechcrsk Lavra became the greatest sacred place to the Ukrainian people. In the Christian world it stands after Jerusalem and the sacred mountain Afon in Greece. There are many legends surrounding the place: legends of the caves, the churches, the bell-towers, and especially the lives of the people here. These are considered sacred. There are the preseved relics of 100 monks in the Lavra. That's why the Lavra  has always

2. What are its mosaics, fres coes famous for?
3. Tell about Mariia Oranta.
4.          What do you know about Yaroslav's library?

Make up sentences:
1. Kyiv / of / cathedral / Rus / Sophia Cathedral / the / was / main.
2. Greek / the / Sophia / wisdom / in / word / means.
3. Old / no / place / mosaics / other / in / has / the / so / world / many.
4. Hunting / on / scenes / of / the / are / walls / there.
5. Books / here / many / ago / were / years / written.

The Glorious Monastery
During the 11th century, in a small cave in the forest over the Dnieper settled a monk named Antonii. He was famous for his righteousness. Other people moved to the cave. Eventually 12 monks widened the cave and made the first underground church. This was the way Pechersk Monastery appeared. We call it Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. Its head was Variaam,  later — Pheodosii.
It was difficult to live in the monastery. The monks ate only bread and drank water. Later they built cells on the mountain. The caves were used for burials. Antonii liked being alone, so he dug a separate cave for himself.
The first caves became the Near Caves, and the first man-made  caves  became  the  Far  Caves. In  1073
Match 1-5 with a-e to make true sentences:
1.  Kyiv was founded
2.  Kyi sat on the hill
3.  The settlements that existed before III century B.C.
4.  Schek sat on the hill
5.  Khoryv sat on the hill

a)  are called Pre-Kyivan.
b)  called Schekavytsia.
c)  on the right bank of the Dnieper.
d)  called Khoryvytsia.
e)  called Borychiv descent.

The Prince's City
In the 10th century Kyiv became the capital of a powerful state — Kyiv Rus. It owned a vast territory — frоm the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea Prince Oleg nailed a shield to the gate of Tsargorod and made Byzantine pay tribute to Kyiv Rus. Princes Sviatoslav, Volodymyr and Yaroslav added new lands to Kyiv Rus. This great state had a great capital, Kyiv.
The centre of the capital was on the Old Kyiv (Starokyivska) mountain, where legendary Kyiv lived. Prince Volodymyr built a new place. Its territory was 10 hectares. It was the city of Volodymyr. The streets led to the main square—Babyn Torzhok (Women's market), decorated by four horses.  Not far away were figures of
pagan gods. After baptizing they were thrown into the Dnieper, and the Decimal (Desiatynna) church was built in Kyiv. Prince Volodymyr gave his title for the building of this church. That's why it has such a name.
The baptizing of Rus took place in 988. From that time chronicles, schools, churches appeared. Prince Volodymyr who baptized Rus is considered a Saint. To honor him Volodymyrskyi Cathedral was built in Kyiv. There is a monument to him on Mykhailivska hill. The bronze prince with a great cross is seen over the Dnieper.
The monument to Princess Olga also reminds us about baptizing of Rus. On one side of the monument stands St Andrew, and on the other side St. Cyril and St. Methodius. Princess Olga is also considered a Saint.
Volodymyr's town soon became too small. Prince Yaroslav put a fence around a much larger territory. Yaroslav's town was eight times bigger than Volodymyr's. Only wealthy people lived there. During that time Kyiv occupied 400 hectares. Approximately 50 thousand people lived there. It was one of the biggest cities in Europe at the time.
    Kyiv was worth seeing then. You could see the golden  domes of churches and cathedrals and the Golden  Gate. The Golden Gate was enormous in size. The wall was 16 metres high, 30 metres wide. The Golden Gate survives even now. It was reconstructed several  years ago. Under  Independence  Square  the

the library is still hidden somewhere. For many years it was looked for in the caves under Sophia Cathedral. In front of the Cathedral there is a marble stone with Yaroslav's portrait to commemorate the first library of Kyiv Rus. Prince Yaroslav the Wise is buried here, in Sophia Cathedral, in a sarcophagus made of white marble.
Sophia Cathedral has seen much tragedy during its history. But the people of Kyiv have always repaired and renewed it New Sophia Cathedral has beautiful new domes. They are in Ukrainian Baroque style.
Sophia Cathedral is a precious monument not only for Ukraine, but for the whole world. UNESCO protects it and tourists from many countries come to see it.
There are many books written about Sophia Cathedral. There is even a historical novel — 'Wonder' by Pavlo Zagrebelny.
There is a legend that while Sophia Cathedral is standing and Maria Oranta is praying for us, God is keeping Kyiv safe. Not far from Sophia Cathedral, near the Golden Gate, stands a monument to Yaroslav the Wise. The prince is holding a model of Sophia Ca­thedral on his palm. His greatest creation, and most valuable present to us, his descendents, is Sophia Cathedral.

1. Why was Sophia Cathedral built?

are images of Yaroslav the Wise with his                                            wife, his sons and daughters. On the walls there are scenes of hunting, ancient Russian musicians and dancers. There are also very valuable frescoes, which tell much about life at that time. Sophia Cathedral has its secrets. Why do voices sound so clear here? Without any microphone they can be heard all over the great building. The ancient craftsmen used their skills here. They embedded thousands of pots in the walls. The sound travels into the pots, and the walls work like best modern musical equipment.
One more secret of Sophia has yet to be revealed. Many years ago books were written here. Yaroslav the Wise created and stored his library here. It is believed that there were more than 1000 books in it. In Europe in those days big libraries had about 100 books, the biggest ones had 200 or 300. But here, in Sophia Cathedral, there were three times more! The books were written by hand, their covers were decorated with gold and precious stones. People didn't use paper in those days, the sheets were made of parchment — a very thin skin. Skins of 60 calves were used to make one book 'Ostromyrove Gospel.' They were so expensive that only princes and wealthy people could have books.
The question is: where is the library now? There are different answers to this question. Some people think that Yaroslav's descendents divided them, and the books were spread along Russia. Other people  believe that

remnants of another gate was found — Liadski Gate. Under Lviv Square one more gate — Lviv Gate — was excavated.
Khreschatyck was a valley covered with forests on the bottom of which there was a stream. The people of Kyiv hunted here for small animals and birds. On the hills there were churches of monasteries: Klov, Berestove, Vydubychi, Kytaieve. These names have survived up to now.
But the noisest life was in Podil. Here Craftsmen lived. People having the same trade lived in one place, and this place was called after them: Gonchary, Kozhumiaky. Zhytnii market was very busy. Not far from it in the harbour of Pochaina, traders' ships tied up were moored. The skill of the goldsmiths surprises people even now. Kyiv treasures tell us about this. The richest is the Mykhailivskyi treasure found on Mykhailivsca Hill. The treasures are kept in many museums of Russia and in the Historical Museum of the Jeweller's Art which is situated in the grounds of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

1.  What do you know about Volodymyr's town?
2.          What do you know about the craftsmen of Podil.

Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences:

1.   Princess Olga added new lands to Kyiv Rus.
2. The centre of the capital was on the Starokyivska mountain.
3. The streets led to the main square – Babyn Torzhok, decorated by five horses.
4. The monument to Saint Volodymyr is on Mykhailivska hill.
5.  Only wealthy people lived in Yaroslav’s town.

Kyiv Sophia
Up to the 11th century there were constant wars between the people of Kyiv Rus and Pechenigy. They lasted for 120 years. At the beginning of the 11th century Prince Yaroslav fought them for the last time and conquered mem. To celebrate this event in 1037 Prince Yaroslav began building the Sophia Cathedral. This was the main cathedral of Kyiv Rus.
The word Sophia means wisdom in Greek. Prince Yaroslav, called Wise, valued wisdom, knowledge and books most of all. But he named his biggest cathedral not just because of this. The main cathedral of the capital of Byzantine was also called Sophia, and it seemed that Kyiv was challenging Konstantynopol and putting itself on the same level. The rules for building churches came to us from Byzantine along with Christianity. The church was to  be square. Inside it was  divided  into  long sections naves.  Russian
builders also built these according to the rules. They also used their own experience, having built stone palaces in Kyiv. Sophia Cathedral doesn't look like any other church in the world. It is beautiful and unique.
When you come into the Cathedral, you first notice Mother Oranta who is raising her hands in prayer. Mother Oranta is represented on a bright golden background, her clothes are gold and blue. These colours are the symbols of Ukraine, and they are on our flag. On the main dome Jesus Christ you see. He is looking at us with his big, calm, understanding eyes. These and other figures are made of mosaics — coloured pieces of special glass called smalt. These coloured pieces of glass were made by Ukrainian people. They made glass, added some dye and then poured substance onto a flat surface. When these 'pancakes' were ready, they were split into even blocks. There are 168 colours in the mosaics of Sophia Cathedral. It was much harder to make the golden pieces. To do this very thin golden sheets were put into the clear the glass.
Of the 640 square metres which were decorated with mosaics in Sophia Cathedral, now only 260 are left. Even so, no other place in the world has so many old mosaics.
The rest of the walls were decorated with frescoes — paintings on wet plaster. About 3000 square metres of frescoes have survived. They are not as bright, but they had to withstand very much. The  most  interesting ones

1.    Kyiv…………………………………...1
2.    Kyiv History…………………………..2
3.    The Prince’s…………………………...5
4.    Kyiv Sophia.…………………………..8
5.    The Glorious Monastery……………....12
6.    Crosswords……………………………16
7.    Literature……………………………...17

Відділ освіти Золочівської районної державної адміністрації
Методичний кабінет

Навчально-методичний посібник

History of Kyiv

(додаток до НМК Solutions Pre-Intermediate)

Золочів 2010
Навчально-методичний посібник History of Kyiv (додаток до НМК Solutions Pre-Intermediate). – Відділ освіти Золочівської районної державної адміністрації. Методичний кабінет, 2010

Юлія Омелянівна Банах – вчитель англійської мови Золочівської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 2 імені Маркіяна Шашкевича, кваліфікаційна категорія «спеціаліст вищої категорії», педагогічне звання «Вчитель-методист».

Посібник призначений для учнів 8-9 класів при вивченні теми «Gifts» (5-F «Monumental gifts») за НМК Solutions Pre-Intermediate з англійської мови. Подано тексти по історії Києва, його засновників, історичні місця та розробки завдань до них.

Відповідальний за випуск:
Юлія Омелянівна Банах – вчитель англійської мови Золочівської ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 2 імені Маркіяна Шашкевича, кваліфікаційна категорія «спеціаліст вищої категорії», педагогічне звання «Вчитель-методист».

1.    Ілюстрована енциклопедія історії України. – Київ.: Спалах ЛТД., 1998
2.    Позняк П.І. – 2-е вид. – К.: Мистецтво., 1992. – 203. – Київ у барвах осені
3.    Це – Україна.This is Ukraine. – Київ.: Видавничий дім «Компютерні системи»., 1995
4.    Olga and Valeria Elbrekht.Focus on Ukraine. – English Students’ Book. – Kharkiv.: Ranok., 2006

Відділ освіти Золочівської районної державної адміністрації
Методичний кабінет

Навчально-методичний посібник

History of Kyiv

(додаток до НМК Solutions Pre-Intermediate)

Золочів 2010

Відділ освіти Золочівської районної державної адміністрації
Методичний кабінет

Навчально-методичний посібник
Modern Ukrainian Painters
(додаток до HMK Solutions Intermediate)

Золочів 2012
Навчально-методичний посібник Modern Ukrainian Painters (додаток до НМК Solutions Intermediate).—Відділ освіти Золочівської районної державної адміністрації. Методичний кабінет, 2012

Юлія Омелянівна Банах - вчитель англійської мови Золочіівської ЗОШ I-III ст. №2 імені Маркіяна Шашкевича, кваліфікаційна категорія «спеціаліст вищої категорії», педагогічне звання «Вчитель-методист».

Посібник призначений для учнів 10-11 класів при вивчені теми «Inspiration» (10-A «Art and artists») до НМК Solutions Intermediate з англійської мови. Подано тексти про сучасних українських художників, розробки завдань до них.

Відповідальний за випуск:
Юлія Омелянівна Банах — вчитель англійської мови Золочівської ЗОШ I-III ст. №2 імені Маркіяна Шашкевича, кваліфікаційна категорія «спеціаліст вищої категорії», педагогічне звання «Вчитель-методист».

Ukrainian painting is an integral part of world artistic culture. Folk spirit and realism became the main slogans of the democratic artists. In their works they frequently touched upon the acute social problems of the day. They also actively asserted positive ideals, depicted the harmony of nature and man and reproduced in vivid images the eternal fascination of life. The best works of the time are characterized by realistic motives, penetrated with emotions; painting is sophisticated and colorful.
Yurij Yehorov
Yurij Yehorov, the painter who has been such a dominant figure in the Southern Ukrainian painting in the last two or three decades, that some art critics even call these decades “the epoch of Yehorov”. His generations, pure and simple paintings open for us the beauty of the sea of Odesa. Yehorov paints everything, even his big canvases, not in his studio but outdoors, in the open air. He wants to be in contact with what he paints all the time. There is some magic in his art.
Orest Slishynskyi
The characteristic noise of the port reaches Slishynskyi’s studio through the open window. The paintings are like windows open to the sun, light and splendor of southern landscapes. But in general Orest Slishyskyi prefer cold and subdued colors, the mood of his paintings is often somewhat melancholic. Probably it is because he studied at the Fine Arts Academy in St. Petersburg and the several climate of the northern city had left an indelible impact upon him. Nevertheless in some of his paintings one does find explosions of emotions, hot monochromatic generosity. Orest Slishyskyi loves overseas voyages, loves travelling and from his travels he brings back pictures of the places he has visited. In his young years he went to study at a merchant-navy school but left it to devote himself to the art of painting. But in spite of his occasional urge to see distant lands, he prefers to pain what is close to his heart: the Crimean landscapes, the town of Sudack with its mediaeval Genoese fortress, the town Yalta, Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi, a small Ukrainian town. Says Slishyskyi: “You see, I just love that little town. There used to be a very ancient settlement at the place where now Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi stands. People lived there twenty five hundred years ago. Imagine that. So, whenever I get there, I feel the energy of so many generations of people that is getting into me. It’s all very mysterious, but it moves me to be creative, inspires me.”
Volodymyr Tsiupko
“Mysterious,” “mystical,” “mystic” are the words that came to mind when we see the paintings by Volodymyr Tsiupko. Many of us are aware that there exiting that goes beyond our everyday world, something that is much above it, something eternal and imperishable. The artist Tsiupko is after looking into the mysterious world. Some of the writings of Nikolai Gogol are a source of inspiration for Tsiupko. His pictures are an invitation to ponder the existential and transcendental mysteries. “The goal of art is to turn chaos into harmony,” says Tsiupko expressing his thoughts aloud. “There is what I call the real art and pseudo-art. Painting is just a form to be filled with contents. If art does not fulfil its harmonizing function, it’s bad art. Art is a part of the ritual called “life” and it exists not for entertaining but for shaping the spiritual world of man.”
In his wall and easel paintings Volodymyr Tsiupko creates a strange world full of shapes, colors, surface texture. These elements of Tsiupko’s pictorial world live a life of their own, interacting with each other, with the world visible and the world transcendental. The artist teaches us not only to react emotionally to art but also to ponder the universal, spiritually complex, mysterious. Tsiupko’s art makes you ponder and wonder. There is something similar between the streets of Odessa and Basanet’s art. Basanets shares some of his views on art with us, “I wish I had a child’s ingeniousness and could look at the world through a child’s eyes.” Looking at Basanets’ pictures is in a sense like reading Japanese poems made up of three lines each. The same compressed poetic formulas; it does not leave you indifferent. You cannot help having your concentration focused, you can’t help searching for an impulse sent to you by the artist which makes you aware of a profound meaning hidden in them. Similarly, looking at Basanets’ pictures makes you aware that these is much more in them than they actually represent pictorially.
Serhіу Savchenko
Savchenko’s art can be described as abstract. In the Soviet times abstractionism was suppressed and abstract artists could show their works only at “underground” exhibition or privately to a few art lovers. Often they were persecuted. Now, in the independent Ukraine artists are free to show their works at exhibitions and art galleries, no matter what style or art trend they follow. Savchenko’s abstract pictures are dynamic compositions with rich symbolism and a system of signs not unlike that of a pysanka (a painted and ornamented Easter egg) or a vyshyvanka (an embroidered towel, kerchief etc.). One has to learn to read these special signs of abstract art. It’s like learning a foreign language. But once you have learnt it, it opens to you its richness.
Volodymyr Kabachenko
“My works are connected in a sense with Ukrainian poetic folklore. They belong to a peculiar world of philosophic symbolism. They are fairy-tales through not for kids but for mature grownups. It’s impossible to understand them without an effort, without thinking them over, without a conscious attempt to penetrate into their chimerical world made of things irrational and unreal and quite real things. But words cannot describe what I wanted to express through my art. You just have to look. Can one describe the beauty of the river in such a way that you would really feel it? Or you can one describe in words the emotional impact the starry sky makes upon us at night? Can one catch the irrationality of our dreams?”
Mykola Prokopenko
Prokopenko’s paintings reveal his fascination with the beauty and grace of a woman’s body. The artists also explore the intricaties and nuances of human relations and emotional states. The women he shows on his canvases are not at all like emancipated and almost sexless females one can now see so often on TV screens, in movies and in real life who look and talk tougher, more mude and more profligate than the man himself. No, you will not find such women in Prokopenko’s art. His women are full of magic and charm, they are loveable, bewitching, sensuous, teasing.

Words and word-combinations:
one should not escape reality—не слід втікати від дійсності
mechanized- механізований
subconscious- підсвідомий
artistic brushstrokes- майстерні штрихи
sitter, syn. model—натурник
emotional appeal—емоційне звернення
thought-provoking—що примушує замислитись

appeals to me
attracts me
interests me
fascinates me
captivates me
It is perfect in itself and remains to be the background for learning painting.
I like to see refined images.
One should not escape reality even in art.
I like clear lines and geometrical shapes.
It expresses the energy of a modern mechanized life-style.
Of the color and light effects.
It tries to express what is in the subconscious mind.
 It does not make picture of an object but expresses the artist’s ideas and feelings about some aspects of it.
To tell the truth
Frankly speaking
To be sincere
To be honest
among all kinds of art I
am interested in
am fond of
pictorial art.

The canvas
The watercolor
is entitled
belongs to the brush of
is painted by
is executed by
is created by
Taras Shevchenko
Mykola Pymonenko
Mykola Samokish
Serhiу Vasilkivskyi
a distinguished
a famous
a prominent
an illustrious
an outstanding
an accomplished
a well-known
Ukrainian artist.
Russian painter.
We can see
the bright autumn
a sunny day
trees with golden/red/light-brown  leaves
dark clouds on the light blue sky
cold dark water
a group of people
a stormy sea
several cottages
a portrait of the beautiful women
marvelous landscape
a figure of a maid.
in the foreground.
in the middle ground.
in the background.
to the right/left of the picture

The picture
The painting
The canvas

is painted
conveys a
sense of
filled with
full of
penetrated with

But in painting
I prefer
oils to watercolors.
landscape painting to genre painting.
portraiture to sea-scape.
still-life to a battle-piece.
historical painting to a flower-piece.
masterpiece to a chaotic surrealistic painting.

I must say that
I want to tell you that
As a matter of fact
By the way
artistic brushstrokes add much to vividness of the color.
landscapes isn’t just a view, there is always a deeper meaning in it.
only a mature artist can render the sitter’s inner qualities through the portrait.
depicting very simple objects skilled painter can break your heart.
emotional appeal of some historical paintings is thought-provoking.

It is common knowledge
I think
I want to tell you
I must say

a painting
a masterpiece
a genuine piece of art
a fine work of art
makes a deep and lasting impression on us if it
is realistic.
is penetrated with emotions.
depicts scenes of common life.
renders a poetic expression.
touches upon acute social problems.
creates true to life images.
is thought-provoking.


To my mind
In my opinion
plays an important role in the development of our aesthetic taste.
changes our views, outlook and mood.
enriches our inner world.
cultivates love for people.  

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